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If you were wondering what Lavar Arrington was up to

Jim Bob

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Part of Maybin's polish can be attributed to his relationship with fellow Penn State alum LaVar Arrington, the former No. 2 overall pick in the 2000 draft. Arrington retired from the NFL after seven seasons with the Redskins and Giants and now operates his own company called Leap Management, which is designed to mentor young athletes and entertainers.

Thanks to his first-round selection, Maybin is the lead horse for the fledgling company, and Arrington accompanied Maybin on Sunday."I feel like it's my life's calling to be a part of these guys' lives and educate them on this whole situation," said Arrington, whose mission is to help his clients deal with the trappings of success while establishing their brand and securing their financial future. "Just make sure they can take these experiences and make them the best they can be."

Arrington, who has mentored San Diego Chargers' star Shawn Merriman (though he is not officially listed as a client), first met Maybin when the kid was in middle school and attending a charity function organized by Baltimore Ravens' star Ray Lewis.


Very interesting.......

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Arrington retired from the NFL after seven seasons with the Redskins and Giants and now operates his own company called Leap Management, which is designed to mentor young athletes and entertainers

You can't make this stuff up. :)


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There are a lot worse people who could be helping out. Have you watched this whole Prime U thing on NFL network? I mean I really thought Deion was one of the greatest corners ever and I really liked how he played the game, but did you see him in the whole Michael Crabtree segment where he is "helping" him? He looked like he was off the street or something. If he is offering advice and telling people to dress up for a press conference, shouldn't he heed his own advice? Trust me, I think that Lavar would probably be doing a good thing for Maybin as he is a fellow Penn Stater and he plays defense. While Lavar said somethings that some fans may not like, he will always be a Redskin to me.

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You know, some people learn from mistakes and if it's too late for themselves, they use their knowledge to help others. He also has kids to feed so you can't blame him for taking a cut.

What exactly makes you think he has learned from his mistakes?? From all the interviews I've read from him, he still blames everyone else but himself.

I was a huge fan of LA and I still enjoy listening to him as a commentator, but he hasnt accepted a single ounce of blame for his situation. I like the man, but he wouldnt be the first person I'd call for advice on what to do if I made it in the NFL.

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