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Force Rank the Jedi


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My list:

1- Mace Windu (he kicked Darth Sideus's ass. Too bad he got sucker punched)

2- Darth Sideus (he beat Yoda head to head)

3- Yoda (over-rated, but good)

4- Count Dookoo (I know he lost to Anakin, but that was after he'd already beaten him and Obi Wan twice)

5- Obi Wan- middle of the pack

6- Darth Maul- this one I struggled with. Feels like he should be higher. He was bad ass.

7-Quaigon Jin- :yawnee:

8- Anakin/Darth Vader- king of the sucker punch. Takes out Windu and Sideus both when they weren't looking. Oh, and he also killed a bunch of kids.

9-Luke- what exactly did he ever do? Whined while the Emporer electrocuted him? Last remaining hope my ass. :jerk:


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My list:

1- Mace Windu (he kicked Darth Sideus's ass. Too bad he got sucker punched)

2- Darth Sideus (he beat Yoda head to head)

3- Yoda (over-rated, but good)

4- Count Dookoo (I know he lost to Anakin, but that was after he'd already beaten him and Obi Wan twice)

5- Obi Wan- middle of the pack

6- Darth Maul- this one I struggled with. Feels like he should be higher. He was bad ass.

7-Quaigon Jin- :yawnee:

8- Anakin/Darth Vader- king of the sucker punch. Takes out Windu and Sideus both when they weren't looking. Oh, and he also killed a bunch of kids.

9-Luke- what exactly did he ever do? Whined while the Emporer electrocuted him? Last remaining hope my ass. :jerk:


There's actually a list kicking around the interwebs that ranks the midichlorian count of a bunch of Jedis, along with non-Jedis for comparison, though I don't know how accurate or official it is. Not very, I'm guessing. However, it is known that Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader is the most force-sensitive Jedi ever. Before that it was Yoda.

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1. Darth Vader - He is darth freaking vader. The most evil villian ever. And he spawned two jedi himself.

2. Luke - He was raised by Obi Wan, taught by Yoda and cut off #1's hand!!

3. Yoda - Dude was 3 feet tall of pure hardcore jedi-ness. He could hang with the best of them and when that green little midget mumbled his backwards speak you damn straight better listen. Or else get a lightning bolt up your arse!!

4. Obi Wan - Trained both Darth and Luke. Dude had a hand with the destruction and rebuilding of the force almost singlehandedly.

the REAL number 1 as I know it is Leah though. She is supposed to be THE ONE so to speak.

Darth Maul was killed like he was? PSSH..he doesnt even make my list. You got Obi Wan hanging off a ledge with NO saber, what are you staring at? You just killed one guy and were easily defending yourself against 2 and THATS how you die?

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There's actually a list kicking around the interwebs that ranks the midichlorian count of a bunch of Jedis, along with non-Jedis for comparison, though I don't know how accurate or official it is. Not very, I'm guessing. However, it is known that Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader is the most force-sensitive Jedi ever. Before that it was Yoda.


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There's actually a list kicking around the interwebs that ranks the midichlorian count of a bunch of Jedis, along with non-Jedis for comparison, though I don't know how accurate or official it is. Not very, I'm guessing. However, it is known that Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader is the most force-sensitive Jedi ever. Before that it was Yoda.

Seems to me that arrogance killed that when he was still Anakin, and being 3/4 robot killed it as Darth Vader. I'd say he never lived up to his, or never could live up to his, potential as the most force-sensitive Jedi ever, although I believe that that's probably true.

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oooooh that is something to consider. His jedi sperm.

Maybe I'll have to move him up a bit on my list

didnt he blow up his own daughter's planet?

or was that his dead wife's?

and how many generals did he choke out from a totally different ship? DUDE was choking ****es from SPACE!!

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:rotflmao: I wonder if he ever got reported to Human Resources?

And yes- I think it was his daughter's planet that was blown up. But it is unclear if he knew that was his daughter.

And it wasn't him that gave the firing order, it was Governor Tarkin :geek:

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you didnt even breathe in that command without vader giving the OK. :silly:

he didnt know in defense..he found out in Jedi, right?


nobody has better theme music then Vader. You put that on and people just move out of your way because they know a butt kickin is coming.

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I preferred Dooku to Maul, Dooku has the "it" to him that seemed evil, Maul just looked like a $10 kmart satan mask with a cool saber.

Well Dooku had the whole Ricardo Montalban thing going on. I would have liked to have heard him say "rich corinthian leather" at some point in the movie.

But I still think Maul fit the profile of a Sith Apprentice much better. He didn't say much- he just kicked ass. He let Sideus do the talking

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Darth Maul = Boba Feet...a character with serious potential...and it was wasted...yet we have been blessed with Jar Jar Binks

Nice comparison!

I remember as a kid Boba was my fav hands down. And when I heard that in the new movie we finally got to see him use his jet pack and fight I was ECCSTATIC... but the entire scene lasts about 5 seconds and he falls in a big hole with teeth.

Lucas- you're an ******* :mad:

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But I still think Maul fit the profile of a Sith Apprentice much better. He didn't say much- he just kicked ass. He let Sideus do the talking

That's a question that I have: There are only supposed to be two Sith at a time, that's the system. So after Maul gets killed by Obi-Wan....where the f*** does Dooku come from??

The man is almost 70, he had to have been trained already as a Sith, while Maul was still alive. So Sideous/Palpatine had secret apprentices I'd assume, to just step in...

Edit: Although, to be uber-nerdy, I'm pretty sure that the emperor did have secret apprentices, like the "emperor's hands" or something...

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That's a question that I have: There are only supposed to be two Sith at a time, that's the system. So after Maul gets killed by Obi-Wan....where the f*** does Dooku come from??

The man is almost 70, he had to have been trained already as a Sith, while Maul was still alive. So Sideous/Palpatine had secret apprentices I'd assume, to just step in...

Dont forget the time that passes between the episodes 1 and 2, Anakin goes form like 5 to 15 inbetween, thats ten years.

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