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Draft Drinking Game


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With the NFL draft this upcoming weekend, I think we should make an ES drinking game for it. Write any rules you think should would be good. Ill start

-Anytime Berman makes a "bermanlike" sound such as WOOP, drink

- Anytime chris mortenson comes on screen with "breaking news", drink

- anytime theres a reference to mel kipers hair, take 2 drinks

- anytime they show a redskins fan in the stands, drink

- anytime they reference JC being upset or disrespected by the skins, drink

- anytime they reference chris horton (late round steals) drink

- anytime they mention snyders wallet, drink

- anytime the skins draft a player you want, take 2 drinks

- anytime they draft a player you did NOT want, take a shot

Keep them coming!

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I don't need a reason to drink at Draft Day. I'll already be ****ing hammered before it even starts. Draft Day Party FTW!!!!

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Slacky, you should have mentioned by 4pm most of us will have been drunk, sobered up and drunk again.

As one MIA so eloquently puts it ~~~> we will be "slammer hammered"

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Slacky, you should have mentioned by 4pm most of us will have been drunk, sobered up and drunk again.

As one MIA so eloquently puts it ~~~> we will be "slammer hammered"

Well, then this is for all of us that wont be there.

- everytime you hear the words "upside", "potential", or "sleeper", drink

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I don't need a reason to drink at Draft Day. I'll already be ****ing hammered before it even starts. Draft Day Party FTW!!!!
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Slacky, you should have mentioned by 4pm most of us will have been drunk, sobered up and drunk again.

As one MIA so eloquently puts it ~~~> we will be "slammer hammered"

I'm with you guys on this one.Most likely at my DDP I'll be drunk and sober 3 or 4 times.:D

and most likely Sunday morning I'll have to watch SC to see who we drafted.:silly:

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Well, then this is for all of us that wont be there.

- everytime you hear the words "upside", "potential", or "sleeper", drink

Dude that's like every other sentence... You would have alcohol poisoning by the first 30 minutes. The point is to have fun, not commit suicide by alcohol.:)

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