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Send us your baseball mojo...


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I know, this is pretty ghey, but we need all the positive vibes we can get. My team is 2-4, (which is awesome, long story, but I just took over the program this year, they've only won 3 games in past 2 years, no winning season in past 13 years). We have a game today and tomorrow, if we win both, we will be at .500, an amazing feat and we will shock the rest of our district.

Today is a game we "should" win hopefully, we are playing against our rivals and they have the same record as us. Tomorrow is against one of the top 3 teams, my former high school and it would be a huge upset. They will take us lightly and not pitch their ace, so we have a shot.

Send us your baseball mojo!!! I'd love to be 4-4 after tomorrow...!! My kids deserve it..:saber:

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I've been waiting all weekend for an update.


My fault, we lost the second game. I was a highschool umpire at one tim, so I'm not one to blame losses on an umpire, however this was a rare exception. We have had this one guy three different times and he has been terrible each of those times. We be efitted from his badness once and it cost us the second time. I couldn't take it seeing him the third time. It's like we never had a chance. We won't be seeing him again. That's the one positive thing that came out of this.

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