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O'Reily disses Eminem


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Word up to my home skillets. Yo dawg my album is gonna drop soon. You know it's da bomb cause I spell words wrong like D1S and DAT. Now point dat camera at me while I do this choreographed dance and lip-sync to ma ryhmes with these ****es that I paid to be here. awwwww **** you know I be hard ass thug life :dunce:

That can be said about all rappers. LOL

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Word up to my home skillets. Yo dawg my album is gonna drop soon. You know it's da bomb cause I spell words wrong like D1S and DAT. Now point dat camera at me while I do this choreographed dance and lip-sync to ma ryhmes with these ****es that I paid to be here. awwwww **** you know I be hard ass thug life :dunce:
Yeah Bill O'Reilly should have faith that young white kids thinking they are hip by listening to rap would have enough sense to know that the washed up rapper "skittles" is desperate to be noticed and is just dumpster diving to survive.

Gee I wonder what the tailgates response be if someone with Conservative ties made a rock or country and western video featuring Michelle Obama wearing a nightie, clear heels and slinking around the singer.

Stereotype much?

I don't know. Do they?

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Eminem fell off. I was excited about his return but not after the crap he has put out recently. His voice annoys the hell out of me and I'm tired of this goofy nonsense. I want the old Em back with the fire and rage he use to dominate the rap game with!

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I saw the piece when it aired. Thought it was appropriate, since who hasn't taken an innappropriate jab at Palin. Personally I thought the lyrics were uncalled for and crude myself.

He also went on to point out, that womens groups made a stink about his comments regarding Helen Thomas and haven't done a thing regarding this video and it's attack on Sarah Palin.

Here is the actual segment so people can be informed


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He also went on to point out, that womens groups made a stink about his comments regarding Helen Thomas and haven't done a thing regarding this video and it's attack on Sarah Palin.

Here is the actual segment so people can be informed


Probably because one of them is a clown. Even O'Reily admits few people take him seriously. I disagree about women's groups angle. They've protested Eminem since he came out. It helps his sales more than anything. Those gay and women groups didn't stop him from going platinum. Controversy is probably what he's hoping for. Relive the days when he didn't use to release coasters.

Hey why does O'Reily only care that he's attacking Palin and not all the other women in the vid? If Sarah Palin wasn't in this video would he even care?

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Hey why does O'Reily only care that he's attacking Palin and not all the other women in the vid? If Sarah Palin wasn't in this video would he even care?

This brings about a good point. He basically poked fun many women in pop culture. Was Sarah Palin so "over the line"? The point about about this song is that if it weren't for all of these women in pop culture, Eminem wouldn't be the rapper he is today.

As far as the Bill O'Rielley bit. I think he explicitly used this song in order to bring about the point that he feels that women's rights groups are really just "far left" groups that only take shots at right wing "attacks". Most of the segment was spent complaining about Media Matters and other left wing organizations the he dislikes.

Either way, I don't think Eminem has much of a political agenda. Plus the song, with the Dre beat, is pretty damn tight.

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Just because O'Reilly is a narcissistic beavis doesn't negate the fact that HE IS RIGHT. Eminem is a total toolbag, come on.

Fo shizzle my wigga!

Haha, that reminds me...we were in line with Snoop Dog going through security at LAX last month. He has these freaking huge, freak of nature bodyguards and my friend who's the other coach on our softball team was just staring at these guys, she didn't even notice they were with Snoop. Anyhow, she'd gotten separated from me and our players and not realizing it was Snoop, asked him if she could cut in front of him to catch up to us. He turned to her was was like "go right ahead little laaady..." Lol.

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Just because O'Reilly is a narcissistic beavis doesn't negate the fact that HE IS RIGHT. Eminem is a total toolbag, come on.

Haha, that reminds me...we were in line with Snoop Dog going through security at LAX last month. He has these freaking huge, freak of nature bodyguards and my friend who's the other coach on our softball team was just staring at these guys, she didn't even notice they were with Snoop. Anyhow, she'd gotten separated from me and our players and not realizing it was Snoop, asked him if she could cut in front of him to catch up to us. He turned to her was was like "go right ahead little laaady..." Lol.

hahaha...he is a gangly tall dude. he was down in San Diego for a up in smoke tour and while on stage crip walking someone threw a red bandana up there. well they took it and lit it on fire and started C-walking around it. HOLY ****!! the place erupted (SD is a huge blood city) and they started throwing stuff and trying to get at him. dude hauled ass quickly!!

he is a pretty funny dude though on TV.

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