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SD: Star Trek Premiere Gets Standing Ovation, Surprise Showing In Austin


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They went out on monday night to see Wrath of Kahn, and got to see the new Star Trek episode, intorduced by Lenard Nemoy in disguiis. That's pretty cool.

They show lenard Nemoy introducing the world premier in Houston three hours before Sidney's.


"Proving that science fiction can still be great entertainment, J.J. Abrams appears to have impressed Star Trek fans at the official world premiere of Star Trek, who gave the film a five-minute standing ovation at the Sydney Opera House in Australia today. Meanwhile, mere hours beforehand, flummoxed fans at the Alamo Drafthouse theater in Austin, TX, deceived into thinking they were seeing a special, extended version of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, were pleasantly surprised when a disguised Leonard Nimoy greeted them and announced they would be seeing the new film in its entirety. ILM's influence on the film is reported as visually stunning, and lucky Australian fans are scheduled to see the movie first, as it opens a day before the American release."


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somewhere in FL, larry just had a heart attack.

I've known for a year that this is going to be the first Trek movie that I didn't see on the day it came out. (Just as Quantum of Solace was the first Bond film since Diamonds are Forever I didn't see on Day One.)

Because of Mom, I'm going to have to wait for the DVD.

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Nice, I'm definitely looking forward to this. The trailers piqued my interest enough that I started watching The Original Series to tide me over until its release.

I love how the trailer starts off kind of like a frat boy action movie with him getting in a bar fight and being arrested...but then when he introduces himself its like "OOOOH"

and sylar looks like he has the spock role down perfect

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I've known for a year that this is going to be the first Trek movie that I didn't see on the day it came out. (Just as Quantum of Solace was the first Bond film since Diamonds are Forever I didn't see on Day One.)

Because of Mom, I'm going to have to wait for the DVD.

that sucks. Sorry larry.

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Here's a brief synopsis of one of the movies opening this weekend that was listened in the Columbus Dispatch Weekender:


Rated R

The Spanish time-travel thriller sends its protagonist (Karra Elejalde) 90 minutes into the past -- causing mass complications. (Timecrimes, recently screened during the 24-hour Ohio Science-Fiction Marathon at the Drexel Theatre, will be part of a "Best of Marathon" double bill with Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.)<<<

I wonder if there's a chance I could get to see the new movie?

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OK, so just got back from taking Mom to lunch. The restaurant has TVs, tuned to ESPN SportsCenter, which is running commercials to something that they call "Star Trek Futures Week", which seems to be a tie-in between SportsCenter and the new movie. Commercial has lots of clips from the movie.

(Restaurant keeps the sound turned off on the TVs. And the restaurant gets their TV from Dish Network, and their satellite reception, well, let's say that it creates an ambient pressure which is below standard atmospheric conditions upon the genitalia of male donkeys.)

But they ran the commercial 3-4 times (which means they probably ran it 8-10 times, and 3-4 times the TV wasn't showing "signal lost. Re-acquiring."), so I saw several tiny clips.

Let's just say that I suspect that I'm going to be more depressed than usual, for the next week or two.

(Y'know, if Paramount would sell me a DVD of the movie for 100 bucks, when the film opens, I'd buy it.)

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As a result of this thread, I am watching Wrath of Kahn right now. :)

Kirk: But like a bad marksman you keep missing the mark!!!

Khahn: Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!

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