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Poll: Obama Approval Hits New High - 66%


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Seems to me that he is kissing the worlds ass now trying to do disaster recovery. I listen to both the lib and repub news stations and it is just to early to tell anything and the polls now really don't mean anything at this point. Give it time, come fall we will know loads more and where most stand.

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reminds me of the election.

You'd have a bunch of polls showing Obama with a bigger lead. then one poll with it tied....and people just grasping to that single poll.

Same polls too. Zogby. He was the one predicting a land slide for McCain or "the comfortable old shoe".

Not to worry though, the lunatics will continue to claim that Obama is a muslim (as they were doing on WMAL last night, among other things) and that he is going to steal our freedom.

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Who do you ask.......

LAMBRO: Obama's approval rating skids

Most polls show President Obama's job approval in the 59 percent to mid-60 percent range, but not pollster John Zogby, who says his score has dropped below 50 percent.

Did you just reference a Zogby poll? HAHHAHAHA.

Here is Nate Silver at 538 take on it (probably the best in the business in breaking down poll/numbers right now):

So a Zogby poll that put Obama's numbers at roughly 50-50 would be a significant outlier. Outliers are nothing new, however, when it comes to Zogby polls. They are, in fact, the rule and not the exception.

Let me qualify this a bit: Zogby International conducts two types of polls. One type are conventional telephone polls. Zogby's telephone polls, while prone to somewhat wild fluctuations and subject to their share of erratic results (such as predicting a 13-point win for Barack Obama in the California primary; Obama lost by 9 points), are actually not terrible, and did fairly well on November 4th.

Zogby, however, also conducts Internet-based polls. These polls are conducted among users who volunteer to participate in them, first by signing up at the Zogby website (you can do so yourself here) and then by responding to an e-mail solicitation. These Internet polls, to the extent they rely on voluntary participation, violate the most basic precept of survey research, which is that of the random sample. And as you might infer, they obtain absolutely terrible results.

Click the link below, he does a good job showing how awful Zogby polls were this past election -


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Did anyone do the math on those polls?




yet all show a full circles in the pie charts. I'm nitpicking on this one, but come on, 88%,90% & 95% do not equal 100.

And for the first poll questions; why are you asking Americans if America is respected around the world? what difference does it make what Americans think on the subject? Should the poll not be done from people who are not Americans? It's great that 71% think that, but that gives no indication if America actually is respected around the world, just what American people think about how their nation is viewed, and what difference does that make?

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Just snooping around :D

This is a bit off topic but I remember during Obama's early speech in front of Congress you were pissed because you thought Obama was arrogant signing autographs and what not.

I never got a chance to respond because I was banned but I wanted to interject that this was normal for all Presidents.

I figured this thread was as good as any to make the point. :D


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The 66% may be an outlier, but I know that realclearpolitics has a history of being dishonest about what polls they include. I know at least at one point in the election they were cherry picking polls to show their agenda. Here is a Nate Silver article on it.


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Oh, certainly I will agree that this poll is an outlier (on the high side), but that does not change the fact that Zogby is the worst national pollster currently in the US.

This poll (though an outlier as we agree) is at least done using reliable methods.

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I really do not know why we as Americans care about the polls. The only one who should care is the person the poll is about. I dont care if every other person in the country besides me thinks someone is doing a good job, that doesnt change my opinion of the person and they job they are doing.

That being said, it is definitely still early to be judging the job he is doing but he gets an A for effort in my book. I guess we will see where results rank on the grade scale in time.

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This is a bit off topic but I remember during Obama's early speech in front of Congress you were pissed because you thought Obama was arrogant signing autographs and what not.

I never got a chance to respond because I was banned but I wanted to interject that this was normal for all Presidents.

Yeah, someone pointed it out there. Also, I wasn't pissed, just very surprised :D

I had no clue presidents did that. Either way, I don't care for it, no matter what president has and will.

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Reading the PDF:


Yes 67%

No 18

Who the hell would know that answer?


Total Respondents 998

Total Republicans unweighted 264 (43%) weighted 230 (37%)

Total Democrats unweighted 349 (57%) weighted 391 (63%)

Total Independents unweighted 385 weighted 377

Half Sample A 485 483

Half Sample B 513 515

I guess i have to learn what weighted and unweighted means but:

Leaving out the independents the numbers SHOULD skew high. 613 people asked of Repubs and Dems.

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because MOST people are smart enough to realize the current situation isn't his fault.

Wrong, it because MOST people are too dumb to realize how disastrous a "stimulus" plan that will double our debt and further freeze credit markets will be.

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Wrong, it because MOST people are too dumb to realize how disastrous a "stimulus" plan that will double our debt and further freeze credit markets will be.

Uh, the stimulus plan was $787 billion. Our national debt is $12 trillion. It was under $6 trillion before your boy Bush and his Republican/Conservative friends in congress got a hold of it.

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I think the way Obama and Michelle conducted themselves, and the way they were met, and the actual things they said, will, in rightful and with valid fashion, only help his approval ratings, except among the obvious demographic groups.

BTW, on that note, and just using my criticizing and not complimenting lens, Fox news has been more "out there" lately, which makes sense viewership-wise with the enemy in power and still "popular", even as we're being plunged into a socialist anti-Christian hell. Hannity in particular sould be treated like Franken or Garafalo at best, without the writing/comedy skills (such as they are with Al & *****).

And so many of the "guest speakers" they get lately seem right off some politcal version of Jerry Springer or Central Casting: Whackjob Division.

CNN is still dem/left/liberal/biased, though they clearly work at not getting out of hand, but Fox has been a real side-show at times, IMO. Watching the amount of spin they regularly gave the "first-half" of Obama addressing the Turks re: America being "arrogant" at times but left out it's use in order to set up his point about the unhelpful and gratuitous anti-American rhetoic in Europe, and not even featruign that part of the sentence was an amazing example of blatant manipulation/slant.

They had literally edited out the second half of the sentence (a tactic hardly exclusive to Fox or a new, just really obvious in this case) which they did when showing it a number of times during the day. At some point later, I did see them showing the whole thing, but it was after I saw other news outlets commenting on such an edit re: bloggers and radio talk shows, while not naming Fox

Those boys at the top of Fox or marketing masters, IMO. From Idol to sitcoms to FoxNews, they know their market. On the compliment side, there are still excellent reporters and pundits on both of these most identified news networks.

Back to the European trip, which I was surpsied didn't get more thread coverage, I felt Obama did a great job of showing geunine respect and interest to others while still speaking strongly and postively about America's importance in the world, and avoiding any sefl-defeating moves, and the idea that he was "kissing ass" or being any kind of submissive in any of his dealings is simplistic and silly at best.

Man. Obama's been in heavy combat since Day One and it's only been two months. Hope he can hold up. Hope he and his posse learn quick and well, cuz even if they over-achieve well beyond reasonable expectations (right, like those exist :silly:) we'll have a lot of work and challenge ahead.

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you're right it's not...........mostly dems, but repubs hold some blame too.

Can you hook me up with that weed you smoke out there in Cali? That ish must be good for you to come out of your mouth with that statement.

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Oh, certainly I will agree that this poll is an outlier (on the high side), but that does not change the fact that Zogby is the worst national pollster currently in the US.

This poll (though an outlier as we agree) is at least done using reliable methods.

Oh ,I agree Zogby is a joke

I don't find the CBS/NYTimes ones much better though(garbage in,garbage out)

I'm a Rasmussen fan

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It's simple go to a local mall right now. A couple months ago they were completely empty and now they are packed. Who cares why the approval rating is so high! People believe in the change and it's starting to show in the first quarter earnings.

So your saying during xmas they were empty

and during arbor day they are packed


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