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Eagles Joke:A thread we all can agree on(much needed right now)


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Three fans are leaving the Redskins game, a Redskins fan, Eagles fan, and a 49ers fan( you know we always get strays).

They finally make it back to their car located right next to the port o john( I know i'm not the only one who tries to park as close as I can to one of these on gameday..LOL)

They figure they'll break the grill back out and drink a few cold ones because none of them feel like sitting in traffic for 2 hours right now, when the Niners fan notices a girl lying passed out naked on her back, right next to the port o john.

She reeks of alcohol and they all fear she may have alcohol poisoning. The first thing they all do is try to cover her exposed body, perfect, they all have their favorite teams hats on.

The Skins fan covers one side of her chest with his hat.The Niners fan covers the other side of her chest with his hat. The Eagles fan covers her last exposed private part with his hat.

The Skins fan runs over to the nearest policeman and tells him whats going on. He alerts the medical team and they're on there way.

While waiting for the medics, the officer checks over the girl, making sure the three guys were'nt up to any funny stuff.

The cop lifts up the Redskins hat, puts its back down. He lifts up the Niners hat, puts it back down. Finally, the cop lifts up the Eagles hat, puts it down, lifts it back up, puts it down.

The officer looks up at the three men with a confused look on his face and says " I just don't get it. Normally when I look under an Eagles hat, I find an ***hole."

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