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The First Avenger: Captain America played by John Cena?


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The rumor has been floating around for a few days ... but he says he doesn't know anything about it. I could give two poops about Captain America but I want to see the Avengers movie come off without a hitch and he is an integral part of that ... so here is hoping it is indeed myth.

From www.JumpingtheShark.net :


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don't believe a word. They're lining up a guy to play thor that is a lot more scrawny than Cena, and they wouldn't make Cap bigger than the God of thunder. Their direction for Thor clearly shows Marvel Studios aren't going for the HGH using roid-heads that would be required to come close to the cartoonish muscles in the comics. Marvel Studios has carefully planned all of this out in detail and each movie is going to follow their planned formula.

Cena? Not a chance. Not ever.

Rumors of Neal McDonough have been floating around since an interview he did.


Really... it's better you save your outrage until you find out who is ACTUALLY playing Cap.

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Oh and in regards to age, I don't think they're going to find a kid to play cap. In the comics he's the seasoned veteran and he looks it, despite the fact that he's supposed to be in his early 20's. No, he won't look like he just graduated high school in this one, so as long as he's not some wrinkled old fogey he has a chance.

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I heard Matthew McConaughey was another rumored choice..

I heard that also but I doubt that one as much as I doubt the Cena rumor.

Marvel's picks so far for Thor and Iron Man show me that we don't have to worry about either of them playing any part in their movies.

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Steve Rogers would be 27-28 at the end of WWII when he was thrown into the freezing waters of the North Atlantic. The Avengers eventually find him 20 years later - suspended in a block of ice.

That's right, the comic version of Cap was born in 1917, so yes he would be 27-28 by the time he got frozen.

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Of all the rumors, the one surrounding Neal McDonough is the only one I'd go for. Look at the link I provided earlier in this thread for a side-by-side comparison of Cap in the comic and Neal. It looks like his character (this one taken from the Ultimates comic series) was designed for Neal.

But in the end we may see an unknown become Cap. Sort of how Singer wanted Superman to be an unknown... I just hope Marvel doesn't share Singer's obsession with finding a GAY actor for Superman.

You find the best actor, PERIOD. Gay or not, that shouldn't factor.

**EDIT** I forgot to mention that I believe Brandon Routh is not gay, Singer abandoned his crusade during the casting process.

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Of all the rumors, the one surrounding Neal McDonough is the only one I'd go for. Look at the link I provided earlier in this thread for a side-by-side comparison of Cap in the comic and Neal. It looks like his character (this one taken from the Ultimates comic series) was designed for Neal.

But in the end we may see an unknown become Cap. Sort of how Singer wanted Superman to be an unknown... I just hope Marvel doesn't share Singer's obsession with finding a GAY actor for Superman.

You find the best actor, PERIOD. Gay or not, that shouldn't factor.

brandon roth is gay? didn't know that.

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I never thought I'd say this in my life but as I read through this thread, it occurred to me that Brad Pitt would be an awesome Cap. I know- I laughed at first too but I couldn't shake it and I think he could totally pull it off. Too bad he'd never take the role.

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