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Idol Finalist Megan Joy Withdraws

Dan T.

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By ERIN CARLSON, AP Entertainment Writer Erin Carlson, Ap Entertainment Writer – 50 mins ago

Yahoo Entertainment.

Los Angeles - American Idol finalist Megan Joy Corkery will be dropped today from the top-rated Fox program because of photographs discovered on a former boyfriend's Facebook page, according the Los Angeles Times.

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The 23-year-old Sandy, Utah native was told of the decision to drop her from the program during a meeting this morning with American Idol producers at Fox's West Hollywood offices. The producers are reportedly scrambling to re-script tonight's live results show, and may decide not to drop another contestant regardless of the results of last night's viewer voting.

Facebook has reportedly removed the photographs, but at least two celebrity websites have posted copies of them, with portions blurred out. Photographs on the TMZ and Perez Hilton websites appear to show Corkery and an unidentified male engaged in sexual activity.

Corkery is a recently divorced single mother with a distinctive tattoo that covers her right arm. She auditioned for American Idol in Salt Lake City, Utah, with the song ‘Can’t Help Lovin Dat Man,’ the bluesy song by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II from the classic musical ‘Show Boat.’


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Megan Joy: American Idol or Porn Star?

Megan Joy may have lost a husband…but she’s (inadvertently) gained an interesting fan base.

When the finals for American Idol began last week, the producers thought an adult hotline was the only X-rated thing they would have to deal with. Of course, that is not the case.

By choosing to drop her ex-husband’s last name, Megan Joy (formerly known as Megan Joy Corkery) gave Googlers a reason to be confused. Seems Megan Joy already exists—in the porn industry.


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I think it's pretty hot on her. :whoknows: But then again we know how you like the ankle skirts and head scarves....:silly:

Seriously though, my wife has a tat and I can take it or leave it. I just find Megan's ugly. Maybe its how big it is or where its located. I don't know.

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Seriously though, my wife has a tat and I can take it or leave it. I just find Megan's ugly. Maybe its how big it is or where its located. I don't know.

I know what you mean, sometimes they're just not someone's cup of tea. I've always been a fan of arm tattoos on pretty girls. Now if I could get my g/f to get one....:D

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