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Pancreatic Cancer support...please help


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Today is Pancreatic Cancer advocacy day. If you have 10 minutes to spare, please click on the link below to call your Congressman or Senator and ask for their support in co-sponsoring the Pancreatic Cancer Research and Education Act, and commit to doubling the National Cancer Institutes (NCI) budget over the next five years by raising the budget to $6 billion in FY10. The call is very easy and only takes a minute of your time.


My dad was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer on October 3, 2008. He is 54 years old. Pancreatic Cancer is the deadliest form of cancer and has had a five year survival rate of less than 5% for the past 30 years. Yet, it only receives 1.5% of the NCIs total budget each year. This disease has impacted my family tremendously, and has also affected PleaseBlitz and I'm sure others on this board as well. Your support will help and is greatly appreciated.

Please call.



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Thanks for the link Cassow, I will be doing this shortly.

Pancreatic cancer is an awful, awful cancer with such a high mortality rate. My dad's best friend passed away from this a couple years ago within a week and a half of being diagnosed. Just a terrible disease that I certainly feel is in need of a larger research budget.

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Thanks so much to the folks who called today. If you didn't get a chance today, there's always tomorrow, or the next day...or the next day...:). The link tells you exactly what to say, so there's no need to be shy.

Unfortunately, support for research wont happen unless people begin to ask for it--and asking does make a difference. Look at testicular cancer...10 years ago that disease was a death sentence, but after the campaign by Lance Armstong the prognosis has improved tremendously.

My mom had breast cancer several years ago, and now my dad has pancreatic cancer. Both cancers come from the same gene, so my odds and my childrens odds of developing pancreatic cancer increase dramatically.

Please click the link, awareness needs to start somewhere.

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