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Trouble with a Wii Console ... Help!


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I just read today that the Nintendo Wii is by far the dominant video game console today ....

... which doesn't do me a bit of good since mine won't read a game disk!

The last time I turned it on it worked, and when I turned it on today with the same disk still in nothing looked amiss. But when I actually tried to play the game I got an error message that it could not read the disk.

I have unplugged everything and let it sit and plugged it back in (which is the first thing they tell you to do at Nintendo tech support) but still it won't work.

Anybody else have this problem? How can I fix it? I would rather not ship my console off for repairs if I don't have to.


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Same thing happened to mine....its been 5 months and letting it sit still doesnt work. I'm guessing I have to take it to Nintendo and let them fix it for a fee :doh:

No wonder the Wii is less money that a PS3 and 360...its cheap...lasts a year and then clunks out :mad:

I could be wrong, but I believe the Wii had the lowest failure rate of the three consoles.

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