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You're Good. That's What Your Wife Said, Sen. Grassley Replies

Dan T.

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Things really heated up during debate in the U.S. Senate Thursday. Iowa Sen. Grassley shot off a (sort of) "That's What She Said" during floor debate. About another Senator's wife...

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Senators Get Nasty: "You're Good" ... "Your Wife Said The Same Thing"

Huffington Post

Marking up budget legislation can be a brutal affair, often beginning early and lasting long into the night.

But buried within the hours of debate in the Senate on Thursday is an exchange you'd be more likely to hear in a locker room than a congressional hearing.

Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) was on the receiving end of this one, after telling Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), "Oh, you are good."

"Well, your wife said the same thing," Grassley responded.

The back-and-forth came after Grassley, the ranking Republican on the finance committee, pressed Conrad to include an amendment of his. "I'd like to suggest to the chairman that he might want to support this because, you remember, you asked me two years ago not to take a vote on it and you said if we did take a vote on it you might not get your budget resolution adopted. So I did not ask for a vote on it and you said it was a very statesmanlike thing for me to do at that particular time and so I would hope that you would return the favor," said Grassley.

"You know, I used to like you. Let me just say: Oh, you are good," said Conrad.

"Well, your wife said the same thing."

Conrad didn't miss a beat. "She did, she said you were the biggest hit of all the speakers at the event," he replied.

Rest of Article, with link to video:


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Super inappropriate remark no matter how heated that congressional discussion had become. Dude lost his cool. I'm single but I imagine most of you married guys would have jumped over a couple tables to get to him after hearing something like that.

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