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video: Gordon Brown savaged at E.U. meeting for his spending


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Brilliant, we need these guys to give Obama a good talking to. This childish, ignorant little boy who is currently inhabiting the White House needs a swift kick in the pants before he destroys this country. You can't spend your way out of debt!

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I think the Euro's are seeing the light before we American's are, and that's scary.

Your title is much better than mine.


Yes, the Euros are seeing the light sooner. But only because they've been going down the leftist socialist path for decades and are finally seeing the economic fallout from such policy.

Regardless, nobody who professes blind faith to the Messiah will pay much attention to this ideological lashing.

Seeing Brown scoff/laugh it off was pathetic too.

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An internet sensation, the Tory who told Brown to his face that he's a disaster


Last updated at 2:14 AM on 27th March 2009

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Withering: Daniel Hannan pulled no punches in his attack on Mr Brown

A Tory who criticised Gordon Brown to his face in a brutal personal attack has won an army of fans worldwide.

A video of MEP Daniel Hannan delivering a withering assessment of the Prime Minister's handling of the economic crisis has become a surprise hit on the internet.

More than 730,000 users have viewed it on YouTube, making it the most popular clip on the site two days in a row.

Mr Hannan's assault came after the Premier had given a keynote speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday.

As Mr Brown looked on through gritted teeth, shaking his head, the Tory lambasted him as a 'Brezhnev era apparatchik' who was ' pathologically incapable' of taking responsibility for his role in the financial crisis.

The 37-year-old, who was the youngest British member elected to the European Parliament in 1999, yesterday received plaudits for his tongue-lashing.

Broadcasters - including the BBC - failed to report Mr Hannan's onslaught despite giving full coverage to Mr Brown's most pro-European speech to date.

But it was quickly posted on YouTube and news outlets from Australia to America seized on his comments.

The clip features Mr Brown looking on with a frozen smile, while Mr Hannan warned how Britain was entering the recession in a 'dilapidated condition' with an 'almost unbelievable' deficit.

Scroll down to watch the video of Daniel Hannan's address

Tirade: Gordon Brown addressing the European Parliament on Tuesday. He then had to sit through an attack on his record by MEP Daniel Hannan

After accusing Mr Brown of losing his moral authority, he finished with the pay-off line: 'You are the devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government.'

The speech, which was met with cheers and laughter from fellow MEPs, unleashed a torrent of comments on the internet with most praising Mr Hannan's assessment.

Mr Hannan, who represents South East England, said he had been stunned by the response. He said: 'I suspect what has happened is that a lot of people have wanted to say something similar to him and have never had the chance.

'There is something very surreal about a speech in the European Parliament - one of the most boring places on earth - causing so much excitement.'

Mr Hannan, who went to Oriel College, Oxford, has good form in the debating chamber.


Read the full transcript of MEP Daniel Hannan's tirade against Gordon Brown

A former journalist, he has previously worked as a speechwriter for Michael Howard and William Hague. He has also been a key opponent of the Lisbon Treaty.

Downing Street last night failed to comment on Mr Hannan's internet fame. But one of the 5,000 who left comments on YouTube said: 'Thanks for telling Gordon to his face what many people would like to.'

Another added: 'Brilliant! As a British victim who has suffered under the Labour yoke for 12 long, depressing years, I am delighted to see that, here at last, is someone telling the story as it really is.'

A BBC spokesman last night insisted its reporting of Mr Brown's speech was 'entirely balanced'.

He said the Daily Politics show on BBC2 had run a clip of Mr Hannan's speech yesterday and a discussion with bloggers about the story.

He added: 'Daniel Hannan was one of the Daily Politics guests on the programme when it broadcast an entire edition from Brussels last week.'

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Might be a bit premature, but british conservatives are probably feeling what US liberals were in July of 2004


Prime Minister Daniel Hannan?

Thursday , March 26, 2009

By Neil Cavuto

It's not his looks or politics. Sometimes maybe it's just his timing. Even if he didn't spend a lot of time seizing it.

Three minutes.

That's about all Daniel Hannan spent eviscerating Gordon Brown in front of Gordon Brown. Saying to the British prime minister in few words, what others vastly more experienced and better known couldn't do these many days, weeks, and months in far more words:

“You are a devalued prime minister of a devalued government." It was cutting. He was clear. It was biting. He was done. Not with a rant. But a reason.

A reason to abandon big government before it abandons us – it bankrupts us. A speech so clear, so focused, so telling…that there's no telling where this takes the young conservative member of Parliament.

A conservative who holds himself not hostage to party dogma, but critical thought. A conservative who supported Barack Obama on hope. But a conservative who now finds Barack Obama hopeless.

A conservative who shot straight, without taking cheap shots. Who told a man to his face he was a disaster to his cause. And a man who resonated here because his concern really emanated everywhere.

A politician who had the nerve to say sometimes the best thing politicians can do is nothing at all. A politician who told me that if the financial crisis had erupted and he were prime minister, he'd do nothing as prime minister.

Nada. Zilch. Zippo.

"I know that's not conventional," Hannan told me. "I suspect that's why I'll never be prime minister." Well here's where I disagreed with this young, rising, global star.

At this time, in this moment, given this rage, that is exactly why I think Daniel Hannan will be prime minister.

Mark my words: Remember this man.

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Hmm, it's a tad disconcerting that this guy couldn't see through the Obama hype for the farce that it is.

To be fair, he said that he supported Obama in the same way that I did - as the better of the two choices that our antiquated two-party system gave us. Hannan has said that if all options were equal, he would have voted for... Ron Paul.

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To be fair, he said that he supported Obama in the same way that I did - as the better of the two choices that our antiquated two-party system gave us. Hannan has said that if all options were equal, he would have voted for... Ron Paul.

Cop out. I never understood this as I had many friends who were ardent Ron Paul supporters that went Obama in the general election. Considering Obama is the antithesis of Ron Paul's limited government principles, any former Paul supporter who voted for Obama is either ignorant or woefully weak-minded, or both.

****, I can respect the ardent leftists who voted Obama. At least they were committed to their convictions of infinite federal expanse and power.

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Your title is much better than mine.


Yes, the Euros are seeing the light sooner. But only because they've been going down the leftist socialist path for decades and are finally seeing the economic fallout from such policy.

Regardless, nobody who professes blind faith to the Messiah will pay much attention to this ideological lashing.

Seeing Brown scoff/laugh it off was pathetic too.

actually, i liked your title better. it actually made me wonder what it was about, hence go watch the video. this title, im like 'ok, he got ripped a new one, no need to watch it unless i just want to see it happen'. lol

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actually, i liked your title better. it actually made me wonder what it was about, hence go watch the video. this title, im like 'ok, he got ripped a new one, no need to watch it unless i just want to see it happen'. lol


My only problem with this guy is his support for Turkey joining the EU...

I don't think it's in either the EU's or Turkey's interest to join. But just out of curiosity, what's your beef with Turkey?

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Brilliant, we need these guys to give Obama a good talking to. This childish, ignorant little boy who is currently inhabiting the White House needs a swift kick in the pants before he destroys this country. You can't spend your way out of debt!

get off your party line and realize it was Bush that got us into this position.

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I don't think it's in either the EU's or Turkey's interest to join. But just out of curiosity, what's your beef with Turkey?

I would assume that its because Turkey is actually in Asia..... or Turkey has yet to apologize (i believe) for the Armenian genocides, or its about Turkey bombing the Kurds.

Take a history class or a politics class about Asia and you'll realize what total a total ***** Turkey is.

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I would assume that its because Turkey is actually in Asia..... or Turkey has yet to apologize (i believe) for the Armenian genocides, or its about Turkey bombing the Kurds.

Take a history class or a politics class about Asia and you'll realize what total a total ***** Turkey is.

Turkey is Eurasian. Gateway to the East. Can be considered as much "Easten Europe" as Hungary or Bulgaria. Istanbul is a European city. Turkey is pivotal to the region in its politics, diplomacy, trade, etc. They run the most important trade route through the Bosphorus.

If you think EU inclusion is based on Armenia, you're outside your mind. Turks have "unofficially" apologized anyway though the government would never do such a thing.

Greece would flip their ****. They won't just forget about Cyprus. Also, though secular, inviting a Muslim country into the EU would cause major consternation. Not positive, but I'm pretty sure Turkey's economy was stagnant well before this global recession hit. Would be the equivalent of us absorbing Mexico.

But I don't think any of these are deal breakers. Lot of good could come from Turkish accession, but the Turks are unique. They would be just as much of a natural fit as unnatural fit in the EU.

But I was asking why an American would be so opposed to Turkish accession to the EU? Again, I want some legitimate answers. You can't just shout TURKEY SUCKS!

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