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BBC: Israel army rides out T-shirt row

The 12th Commandment

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Worse things, I know, but for whatever reason I found this to be as shocking as anything I've come across in a while.


Israeli officials have described as "tasteless" and inconsistent with army values a popular military past-time of printing violent cartoons on T-shirts.

An investigation in Haaretz daily saya the customised shirts are often ordered when troops finish training courses.

Edit: I took out part of BBC article because it's so inflammatory. Even in context.

-continued at link

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Disgusting. Gallows humor for a group that worries about being blown up every day they are on duty, but disgusting nonetheless. I imagine our own military folks have non-PC stuff that (rightfully) never sees the light of day. Since I haven't "been there", I can't say what the state of mind is that thinks this is funny. Doesn't look good though.


An army statement said the customised clothing was produced outside military auspices, but it pledged to stamp out the use of such imagery by soldiers.

"The examples presented by the Haaretz reporter are not in accordance with IDF values and are simply tasteless," the military statement said.

"This type of humour is unbecoming and should be condemned."

Looks like it's not being recieved well from the chain of command. Hopefully this gets stamped out quick.

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It's only wrong if the government sanctions that kind of thinking?

These soilders see these "kids"/soilders in training throwing rocks at them everyday, these "kids" shooting at them and these women blowing themselfs up, we dont know what these soilders go through and what they see.

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These soilders see these "kids"/soilders in training throwing rocks at them everyday, these "kids" shooting at them and these women blowing themselfs up, we dont know what these soilders go through and what they see.

I understand there can't be PC thinking down in the trenches. Maybe this would of been better for all if it weren't exposed. That's a valid point. Thing is that rose to a level I'm not comfortable with any human being having. No matter what their experience.

I'd be shocked if I saw someone in our military wearing a shirt like that too. Maybe there's a time and place where they can wear that sort of stuff together but it doesn't fly in regular society.

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I understand there can't be PC thinking down in the trenches. Maybe this would of been better for all if it weren't exposed. That's a valid point. Thing is that rose to a level I'm not comfortable with any human being having. No matter what their experience.

I'd be shocked if I saw someone in our military wearing a shirt like that too. Maybe there's a time and place where they can wear that sort of stuff together but it doesn't fly in regular society.

Whats going on in the middle east is not a regular society, so throw that out the window..but everything else you said i agree with.

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