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Moving to Denver

Toe Jam

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I've lived there once before. Great place. I'm going to be making a permanent move out there in the next two weeks. Things are coming together nicely.

I won't be around ES for a month or two while I make this transition. I know things just won't be the same without me.:silly::rolleyes:

But that's not the purpose of this thread. I was wondering if anyone knew how extensive the public transit options are out there. I looked some of it up online but it's not very informative.

Mainly, I'm considering using public transit as an alternative to driving. Seems cheaper. I don't know.

Feel free to spew your knowledge about Denver, too. I only lived there five months last time. I've got the basics down.. where my job is located, where my apartment will be.. but other than that, and the Downtown area, I'm not that familiar with the place.

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you haven't already, visit http://www.rtd-denver.com/. If you know the address of your work and apartment, it can calculate what bus you need to take. You can adjust the schedule by either what time you want to leave, or what time you want to arrive.

Lots of buses downtown. I don't know how close you are to a stop, but there is also a light rail system that goes from the Tech Center (South Denver) up to Downtown Denver. As with most cities, the service drops off the farther you get from downtown. There are car-pool and van-pool options if you end up being farther away from your work.

I've been here since October. There's a meetup group of redskins fans that meets for games at LoDo's down in Littleton. Hasn't been much fun yet. Mostly frustrating.

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I'd make sure you have a job lined up before you head out there. I have had about 5 friends move to Denver in the past year or 2 and all have come back here (east coast and NOVA) because the job market out there is terrible.

A good friend of mine wanted to get a second job waitressing to make her rent and had 177 people apply for that 1 opening.

Hope all is well with the move but just make sure you have thought through the whole thing besides well its really nice out there (which it is).

Also invest in a good pair of hiking boots. So much to do outside there.

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I'd make sure you have a job lined up before you head out there. I have had about 5 friends move to Denver in the past year or 2 and all have come back here (east coast and NOVA) because the job market out there is terrible.

A good friend of mine wanted to get a second job waitressing to make her rent and had 177 people apply for that 1 opening.

Hope all is well with the move but just make sure you have thought through the whole thing besides well its really nice out there (which it is).

Also invest in a good pair of hiking boots. So much to do outside there.

I was able to transfer my job from here to there very easily. Good thing about a company that is nationwide, I guess. And Security is always going to be in demand, especially these days.

I wouldn't be going if I didn't have a job lined up. That would be stupid and irresponsible. Which, after many years of trial and error, I am not.:)

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I've lived there once before. Great place. I'm going to be making a permanent move out there in the next two weeks. Things are coming together nicely.

I won't be around ES for a month or two while I make this transition. I know things just won't be the same without me.:silly::rolleyes:

But that's not the purpose of this thread. I was wondering if anyone knew how extensive the public transit options are out there. I looked some of it up online but it's not very informative.

Mainly, I'm considering using public transit as an alternative to driving. Seems cheaper. I don't know.

Feel free to spew your knowledge about Denver, too. I only lived there five months last time. I've got the basics down.. where my job is located, where my apartment will be.. but other than that, and the Downtown area, I'm not that familiar with the place.

More importantly, whats the deal with the sig bet?

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