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PSA: Explosions in DC on March 25th.


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Near the Key Bridge, a boat is going to get blown the hell up during the filming of a TV pilot about the FBI Field Office in DC.


COMMUNITY ADVISORY - TV Pilot to be Filmed in DC on March 25

For the filming of a TV pilot, there will be a simulated explosion on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, between 9:30 a.m. and noon near Key Bridge in the District. The explosion will produce a 20 to 30' fireball that will last for approximately two minutes.

The explosion will take place on the Potomac River just north of the Key Bridge and Jack's Boathouse (K/Water Street, NW under the Whitehurst Freeway). In the scene to be filmed, there will be six (6) sculling boats on the Potomac River and one of them blows up. CBS Paramount television is filming a pilot titled "Washington Field." This is a new television series about the elite Washington field office of the FBI and a team of agents with exceptional and diverse skills who are called together for only the most critical cases.

The Department of Homeland Security and D.C. Police and Fire departments have been notified, along with the Washington Airports Authority. The Virginia State Patrol and Arlington Police Department will also be contacted.

This is about 3 miles from my place, i may go watch. :munchout:

I have no idea how to turn this into a fun interactive thread, i just thought it was cool and that maybe it'd be good for people to know about the 30 foot fireball beforehand. :evilg:

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