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Drunk Typing


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I mean seriously, do you think I would start a thread in my right mind misspelled from here to eternity about GUNS if I wasn't at least a little messed up?

Yeah actually you must have been drunk because it started to turn towards Barack in that thread and that didn't get you going. :silly:

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youre grouchy as ****. your wife needs to hurry up and get home.

but yeah, its pretty dumb.

Yeah dude, I don't know what's wrong with me.

I think maybe having school at 7 this morning and then having to work until way late plus the wife being gone has turned me into a douchebag.

I still stand by this thread though. Maybe just take the last part out. That was pretty mean. Lol. But whatever.

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Yeah unfortunately I just got off work and my wife is in Brazil so I have nothing better to do. But fortunately I normally have a life though so I don't have a need to on here every single day or anything.
I'm sorry. Really, I am. I have a hard time being away from my guy...when I saw him this Christmas, it was the first time I'd gotten to see him in over 4 months. It totally sucks. I don't have the opportunity to hang out with him every night, hell, there are times when we've been unable to talk for days because one of us is out of country without access to the internet (usually him)...so I'll hang out on AIM, or ES, or Facebook chat, or blackboard posting an assignment, or Thursday night chick nights at my place where my girlfriends and I drink wine (some more than others) and watch the stupid hospital drama shows. Also, just because someone posts often doesn't mean they are paying attention to the site 24/7...that's what the refresh button is for. :)
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I agree Colin. You have to be halfway to idiots-ville before you start typing that badly. In Slacky's case he's just a lightweight, and halfway to idiots-ville when he's sober, so I forgive him. But I think most of it's an exaggeration and a way to draw attention to your "drunkeness" than it is an impairment. I mean I've posted on here drunk before and typed just fine.

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I agree Colin. You have to be halfway to idiots-ville before you start typing that badly. In Slacky's case he's just a lightweight, and halfway to idiots-ville when he's sober, so I forgive him. But I think most of it's an exaggeration and a way to draw attention to your "drunkeness" than it is an impairment. I mean I've posted on here drunk before and typed just fine.

I hate you Joe.

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My theory is this. I have posted on here totally shammered before and my posts are probably better typed than sober! I tend to pay attention more when I am drunk so no one is the wiser.

I would bet though if I typed full speed though, it would more resemble a language other than English. So perhaps people can really just be ****ty typers if they are ****ed up, bc they don't care about how fast and ugly they type.

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This has got to be the biggest bull**** ever.

"Non iiist nooooot mman."

Yeah it is.

I've noticed it repeatedly over the years from many people. People come in here "drunk" and proceed to type like they're typing with their noses. Give me a break. I've been absolutely wasted and posted messages on here that were perfect. Maybe a mistype here or there that I was too lazy to change when noticed but that's it. And I'm talking about on the verge of alcohol poisioning wasted.

Anyone agree with me?

So why do people find it necessary to play their "drunkness" up? I think it's because they are so depressed that they're sitting on an internet message board late at night drunk, by themselves, that they want as much attention as they can get. Makes sense to me.

i completely agree with you on this matter... however, the content of my messages is most likely incoherent babbling.

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i've posted drunk before. it takes some extra time, but it's not that hard.

now, i posted after a liter of jager the night of the wvu / auburn game. the next morning, i read posts i had absolutely no recollection of typing, and i had no clue what i was saying. i even sent an embarrassing pm to someone.

i do agree that people exaggerate sometimes, but it's not every time.

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