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Christian Bale has a serious case of roid rage


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I get the impression that it's Bale's set. He can do what he wants. It's disappointing to hear someone that good be that bad.

I feel very sorry for the crew the day Bale tries to pull something like this again...and the director lets him have it...the crew is going to be in the middle.

Look for Bale to either do some serious damage control...or lay-low for a while. I think he should lay-low.

The sad part is I was reading about him doing the movie 3:10 to Yuma and everyone said he was awesome to the crew...knew everyone by their first name and hung out with them.

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I am going to have to get behind Bale on this one. Acting is all about being in character and immersing oneself in the scene. If some hack is running around while a scene is being shot, that can **** up the mentality of the actors, and **** up the entire scene.

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I am going to have to get behind Bale on this one. Acting is all about being in character and immersing oneself in the scene. If some hack is running around while a scene is being shot, that can **** up the mentality of the actors, and **** up the entire scene.

You and Kurp are correct. My point was that the tirade was way beyond what was needed to get the set under control. Way beyond.

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at least dude is apologizing. And this is not one of those non-apology apologies:

"The thing that I really want to stress is I have no confusion whatsoever. I was out of order beyond belief. I was way out of order. I acted like a punk. I regret that.

"There is nobody that has heard that tape that's been hit harder by it than me. I make no excuses for it. It is unexcusable. I hope that that is absolutely clear."


"Feel free to make fun of me at my expense, I deserve it completely.


As for any residual hard feelings between Bale and the object of his onset rant, the actor said it ceased being an issue shortly after the outburst.

"We have resolved this completely...I have no intention of getting anyone fired. There is no problem whatsoever."


good for him. I realize his agent may have told him to do this, but whatever.

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at least dude is apologizing. And this is not one of those non-apology apologies:


good for him. I realize his agent may have told him to do this, but whatever.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Although he'll have to endure a lot of crap for a while at least he is trying to show some contrition.

By the time the next "Batman" is ready to be released this will hardly be mentioned.

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As always, two sides to every story:


...After Bale's blowup the DP was not allowed within 100 feet of the set if Bale was on it, sources tell us. In the final days of filming, the DP was back on set, and he and Bale did not have any more harsh words.

Bale became a hero to cast and crew after his tirade against Hurlbut, who was widely despised, sources tell RadarOnline.com exclusively. "Hurlbut was a condescending (bleep) to everyone," a source told us. His favorite line was "Why don't you go stab yourself in the head, you idiot."

Maybe Bale's not such a bad guy after all.

This account is more in line with previous stories of Bale being a pretty nice guy on movie sets.

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