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Times Online: Barack Obama: it is no longer essential to kill Osama bin Laden


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I guess those classified breifs he has been getting has changed his mind on this tough talk from the campaign.

It'd be nice if someone from our government would pull off the mask and finally admit he has been dead for years. Which also makes me wonder what the purpose of an Afghan surge would serve


You should go to Afghanistan and see just how little a hold we have there. Al Quada and the Taliban are back and they're looking for a fight.

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I've said it all along. Chop up the snake before you kill the head. Killing him makes him a martyr and gives more of his followers cause. We've rendered him powerless if he is in fact still alive. He's cornered in one of t5he worst places on earth, life isn't what he expected, his methodology and ideals have been denounced by those he claims to represent, and his organization is being destroyed.

Some things are worse than death, and in his case, i think that may be true. He'll pay for his crimes eventually.


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