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Fear The Turtle... on blue smurf turf?

Toe Jam

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Boise scored? I thought Nevada was in that game?

I mean, er...yeah Nevada. They're going down!

I see we are leading 28-14 at half. I left for work right after MD attempted an onside kick and Nevada returned it to the 10. Then I go to put on my shirt, come back and see that MD has the ball on the 30. So I assume that there was a turnover in that 30 seconds I was away from the tv.


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anyone watching the humanitarian bowl?

I need the terps to win so I can get back into the mix with ES Bowl Pick Em'.

Man, I was JUST talking about this very same thing with a buddy of mine in IMs. I told him that blue field even looked like garbage in HD. And that's saying something right there. They have GOT to get rid of that garbage!:doh:

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