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bruce lee dominates in ping pong


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  • 2 weeks later...


Coolest Thing I've Seen Today: Bruce Lee Playing Ping-Pong With Nunchucks!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... If there is a being that defines the spirit of the phrase... AINT IT COOL - to me... it is Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee is my personal Holy Cinematic Spirit God. And that the world of CG and commercials can further reveal the true awesome powers of BRUCE LEE - who DID kick Chuck Norris' ass, btw. Well - greater be the profits of Nokia N96. What you're about to see is the single most awesome and dynamic Ping Pong event in history. I know it isn't real, but **** reality - this is my new reality. And damn, I wish I had that phone. With Bruce Lee upon it... that means it could never lose signal - and if a mugger came at you - the mere sight of the phone would cause their jaw to dislodge and fall to the ground. I just hope it comes with Bruce Lee ringtone screams and howls. That's what I want.

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