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What Big Three's Plea to Congress Probably Sounded Like


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This is hysterical.

Reid: Thanks for coming, guys. Now... you said something about needing money?

Mullaly: Uh - yeah. Excuse me, just a second. My Rolex has just stopped. Again. Since the economy started tanking, I haven't been able to keep it running.

Reid: Uh - okay. There's a watch store around the corner if you need to stop by after our meeting.

Mullaly: WATCH store?! I don't power my watch with batteries, moron! I need to light ten $1,000 bills on fire and place the ashes on a gold-plated marble tower to create the proper amount of money-fueled smoke to form an enchanting ring to summon Whizk'thu, the Lord of Time, so that he will bless my watch with longer life! Jesus. What do you people do in the Senate, anyway? I thought you understood stuff like this.

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