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Would Congress bail-out the oil companies


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If tomorrow, the heads of the major oil companies said they were going broke because of the falling cost of oil (its around $48 a barrel now), would the US Congress give them a bailout package.

I was having this discussion with my parents this evening and wanted some outside opinions.

I said definitely not because when people were suffering at the pump with $4 a gallon gas and companies like Exxon were making $13 billion a quarter the general consensus was that they were screwing us over. If the situations were reversed and they were making less money due to the falling cost of oil, there is no way the American people would stand for bailing them out so soon after they were making $50 billion a year in profit.

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Depends... Are the oil execs flying to DC in corporate jets for their meeting with congress?

Yes they would. And as I explained yesterday, for security purposes, it would be as 100% legitimate as the auto maker executives doing so.

*edit* Hell, the federal government is in debt to the tune of NINE TRILLION DOLLARS. Wanna put Obama in coach?

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Oh and to explain my apparently unpopular vote, I expect the worst from our representatives. I feel that though big oil companies have been a popular punching bag publicly, congress and big oil companies are in bed and have been for a long time. Congress doesn't give a **** whats wrong or right, they already proved it by bailing out all these banks and lenders that have been screwing people over for years.

The guise for it all would be the same: we're preventing a catastrophe that would ensue if the oil industry wasn't propped up, we're saving Americans from losing their jobs, etc.

I guess it's more of a "I would not be surprised at all" thing, though I am surprised that so many of you actually have faith that these bumbling idiots we call representatives and senators will help you or do the right thing.

They didn't bail em out before (80's OIL bust) ,what makes anyone think they would now?

There is a precedent set.

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Yes they would. And as I explained yesterday, for security purposes, it would be as 100% legitimate as the auto maker executives doing so.

*edit* Hell, the federal government is in debt to the tune of NINE TRILLION DOLLARS. Wanna put Obama in coach?

I read where you said it but I must have missed where you explained it. :)

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When oil was in a slump from 1983 to 1998 (and many thousands lost their jobs in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma), Congress did nothing. They should do nothing when it comes to the auto market. Let the market take care of itself. It always works out for the best.

What if the market wants Chinese companies to buy our auto makers?

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They don't GIVE the oil companies ****,even the tax breaks everyone ****es about actually increases tax revenues.

Perhaps when they are finally over regulated and taxed out of profitability here ya'll will figure it out;)

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What if the market wants Chinese companies to buy our auto makers?

What do you think happened to US oil companies in the bust?

Saudi, Mexico,England and many other foreign entities bought heavy interests in Big Oil and consolidated most of the smaller players.

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How much is Bill Ford worth on a hijacked plane sitting on a tarmac in South America?

(Hint: Far more than the cost to buy and operate a Leer Jet.)

More than it would cost to finance and execute a plane hijacking?

I just don't see it.

(Trying to think of all the things that would have to go right to be able to hijack the right plane to kidnap one person)

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I don't think the thread question is talking about a major slump twa, I think it's talking about a "if we don't give them money they will collapse in 2 months" scenario. I don't think the hypothetical question compares to what we did in the 80's.

Of course it does not compare, the Big Three are not worth much in present form....which is why there is no sense bailing out a failed model.

The oil bust was much more than a slump though

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