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What does wine and cheese mean?

MD.C RedskinsFan

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Being on Extremeskins I always see wine and cheese as well as wine and cheese crowd. I am trying to figure out exactly what it means. From how it's used it doesn't sound like a good thing. Just from it's use here on

Extremeskins it seems to be geared towards a certain kind of fan who is "corporate, may not cheer at home games, may leave early, isn't diehard, may sell their tickets to fans of other teams for profit"

Basically the idea that I get from it is that it's a pretty lukewarm type of fan.

But I'm sure there's more to it. Do these kind of people especially like wine and cheese. Where specifically did the wine and cheese come from?

I assume that the wine and cheese are literal since many times I have seen someone ask "Would you like some wine to go with your cheese?"

Please enlighten me.

And I'm sorry if I got it wrong. I don't know if it's Wine and Cheese or Cheese and Wine.

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I think they use "wine and cheese crowd" as a derogatory term because it evokes images of fancy parties. Fancy parties with men in suits who call each other "Carruthers" or "Farthington" and trade insider stock tips. Women with feather boas and furs who talk about how you "Can't find good help" these days.

These parties invariably have "the help" carrying around small samples of various cheeses on platters, for the guests to pair with an appropriate wine of their choosing. These folks can afford their fancy parties, which means they can afford their fancy club level tickets. Therefore, club level people are rich snobs...at least, that's how the thinking goes.

Because of their rich snobbery, when they attend a Redskins game, these folks don't like to cheer, don't like to stand, and don't like it when you do either. They also think you give off a most unpleasant odor, as if you were rolling in the feces of one of their many well-bred horses, or copulating with their chamber maids and all their unwashed filth.

Of course, no one on this board would dare be caught dead associating with these folks, and because we all sit in the rough and tumble upper or lower decks, we can't identify with them, or with their lack of physical involvement of the game at hand. They are an alien species to us, complainers all, because they don't get as into the game as the rest of us. Therefore, they should go back to their wine and cheese parties and leave the games to real men (and women) who will gladly bare their chest in sub-freezing temperatures in the name of supporting our team.

Thus, wine and cheesers. Make sense?

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Pfffffttt you are a mere peasant sir. I sip on 1940 Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum while I please my pallet with saffron covered truffles.

I am going to need for you to shut thy face you dirty commoner.

I partake in my brewed for 28 days minimum liquor while snacking on my little debra cakes.

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Typical out-of-touch Elitist. :doh:


Are there applications you have to fill out to be an elitist? I would try it for a day.

Edit: I hear that it affects the way you speak. Someone told me that there's a place in Connecticut where they determine whether you from there or not by the way you pronounce the name of their city "Darien" (All the insiders pronounce it Darien rhymes with Mary Ann)

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Are there applications you have to fill out to be an elitist? I would try it for a day.

Edit: I hear that it affects the way you speak. Someone told me that there's a place in Connecticut where they determine whether you from there or not by the way you pronounce the name of their city "Darien" (All the insiders pronounce it Darien rhymes with Mary Ann)

Well now that I know that I am going to go there and infiltrate their elitist group and find out all their plans of ruining real America.

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