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True Confession:"I am 16% gay!!"

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13% from here in SARS land. Also as a flaming liberal and former ACLU attorney, I am glad to see that some of my more conservative brethren scored a little higher than me. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Here's to a brand new year.

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My federal computer won't let me take "the test" here at work -- looks like a firewall deal. What do you expect, it's a GOP administration.

I keep get this mental image of my PC (which I have long since decided is male becuase not only won't it take directions, but it gets all pissed whenever I mention its software. "Hardware, buddy, I'm hardware") wearing a reverse chasity belt.

I'm pretty comfortable that my inner gayness is under control, by the way, with or without this little barometer. Kind of figure I'd have been smitten by Art by this point if it wasn't. I mean, I love Art like a brother, but I'm glad to say (as I'm sure he'll be equally glad to hear) that said love is 100% Platonic.

What I would kind of like to see, for the record, is a web site that would let me test my percentage of inner lipstick lesbian.

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36%. I don't get it. I go fishin'. I spit on the sidewalks. I work out in unfashionable sweats. I listen to country - George Jones, fer cryin' out loud.

How'd those S.O.B.s ever find out about the iridescent green Nehru shirt? I was just a kid.

Damn. Stuff like that can follow you around forever. :silly:

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