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Cool news for me


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Well guys, I haven't been on this site much in the past year an a half, maybe a little more.

I decided to change careers a couple years back and I had to return to school to get my masters.

Its been tough going to school with a family and work, but I'll be finished in a month.

I was hired today as a teacher for Hampton High School for the upcoming school year.

Its a slight paycut in terms of overall salary per year, but a big increase when looked at per hour. Plus, I can now return to coaching High School baseball. With my masters, I'll also be able to teach some online classes and make some money on the side as well.

I've made a lot of friends here at this site over the years and just wanted to explain my absence and share the good news in my life.


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Welcome to the field of education!!

I bet once you look at the hours you put in coaching etc. you will find you are making less per hour. As you know, teaching is not a job to make money. My work day often begins at 6:00 am having to find substitutes etc. and ends around 6:00 pm. I imagine teaching high school, you may have to tutor etc.

Welcome welcome welcome!!!

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Thanks everyone, Hopefully I'll have a little more freetime to waste here... :D

I ****ing hope so dude. Star Wars & Indy & metal threads just aren't the same without ya.:)

Oh, & congrats!


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Welcome to the field of education!!

I bet once you look at the hours you put in coaching etc. you will find you are making less per hour. As you know, teaching is not a job to make money. My work day often begins at 6:00 am having to find substitutes etc. and ends around 6:00 pm. I imagine teaching high school, you may have to tutor etc.

Welcome welcome welcome!!!

You are correct in saying that about the pay. I coached HS Baseball for 7 years before taking my current job and its a lot of work, but I loved it and was very successful. It only pays a 4K stipend to the salary, but like you said, the money isn't the reason to get into it.

My current job has been great in term of perks and pay, but I'm very goal oriented and love the challenge of teaching. My current job really has no challenge.

The best part of all of this is that my dad also teaches at the same school. My dad is not the type to get excited, but he was thrilled when he found out, I was really surprised how much it meant to him that I would be in the same school.

Pretty cool. :cheers:

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LOL... Thanks TK... I did sneak in here for the Indy thread... :laugh:

Barely. :silly:

There was a SW thread a month or so ago that I posted that I'd only join in the conversation when you, Henry, & Nibbs showed up. :D

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