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"Dorm Wars," I need Ideas


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I need some ideas, STAT. I know you guys are a creative bunch.

So last night some douches from another section of our dorm brought in some hair(Yeah, wtf?), and my suitemate walked out of the bathroom. When said douche saw my suitemate, he dropped the hair in our hallway and ran.

This seems trivial and pointless, but it is nonetheless an assault on our pride.

Who knows what kind of nefarious ideas they had planned with the hair?

Yes, I've googled pranks and such, and yes I have some ideas. However, I know many of you have been to college and may have valuable anecdotes to share.

We're going to try to counterattack tonight because most people are going home this weekend for Easter, so post away!

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bomb them with shaving cream.

get a manilla clasp envelope.


and a bottle of shaving cream.


cut the top of the envelope so its about 2/3 its original size, making a pouch. load up the bottom of the envelope with the shaving cream. go to said douche's door and carefully (and quickly) shove the open end of the envelope underneath the door so the opening is inside the room and the bulge of shaving cream is on your side.

with a heavy foot, stomp on the bottom of the envelope. this will inject a large amount of shaving cream underneath the door and make a mess of everything within a 5 foot blast radius inside the room. grab the envelope and run.

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There are a few ideas involving poo floating around.

Such as: Bunch of people **** in an old pretzel jar. Then we take it to their bathroom and put it in their trashcan with the lid open and let it sit in there all night. They'd wake up to a stinky surprise in the morning.

However..I don't know if anyone wants to carry a pretzel jar full of **** to the other section. :)

Any other ideas?

I recommend you don't actually use any of those ideas. It's likely a sure fire way to get kicked out of school at the least.

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Can you get into the common room that's just outside the bedrooms?

Also, I agree: no poo. I've been an RA at one of THE most liberal schools in existence for two years, and there'd be consequences for that **** even here. I mean . . . we don't bust people for drinking or pot, so if that would go over really badly, I can only imagine what the repercussions might be if you go to a more traditional school.

Finally, I want to urge you to consider your prank's effects on the school's facilities. Don't do anything that might cause permanent damage, and definitely don't stuff that's going to make somebody's job suck like hell.

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Can you get into that common room just outside the bedrooms?

Also, I agree: no poo. I'm an RA at one of THE most liberal schools in existence, and there'd be consequences for that **** even here.

Finally, I want to urge you to consider your prank's effects on the school's facilities. Don't do anything that might cause permanent damage, and definitely don't stuff that's going to make somebody's job suck like hell.

I just want to get them.

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we used to steal ripened bananas and hide them in places in their rooms (behind radiators, backs of closets etc) . places they'd never look. in about three-five days they really stink.

another one (I pissed my wife off with this one in college). We snuck into their apartment and took all the labels off all the canned goods

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Eggs! Eggs! and more freaking Eggs!

I lived in the dorms when I first came in the military and the Security Police lived right across from us. We hated each other! All the rooms opened to the outside on to a walkway and it was three stories high. Anyway, Halloween night we got hit with a few eggs around 10 at night. Cowards threw and hid. Not to be outdone 8 of us went and got 2 dozen eggs each and at the stroke of midnight we unleashed egg hell. It looked like a white rainbow of eggs hitting every possible floor of that dorm. I few guys ran out of their rooms to see what was up and in good military fashion we adjusted fire and they promptly ran back into their fox holes. Do the math, almost 200 eggs! That place was a mess.

About an hour later I heard knocking a few doors down and I stuck my head out to see what the racket was all about and their stood the SP Commander and 1st Sgt. Someone had dimed me out as the "ring leader" so he started chewing my ass pretty good. He made me walk next door to look at the mess and told me to go get my friends to help or I'd have to clean it myself. I bowed up a little bit and told him it was retalilation and showed him where we had cleaned up our dorm of the egg mess that his guys had caused. Well, he changed his tune. I think he had a feeling who started it and he told me not to worry about it he'd take care of it. Within minutes the entire dorm that wasn't on shift was out there cleaning eggs and were still doing so when we left for work that morning. Boys weren't happy. It's all good though; we drank some beers and got over it. That is until the snowball fight that lasted for about 4 hours but that's a different story.

So, if it were me; I'd hide in the bushs or whatever outside the entrance to their dorm with about 4 or 5 of my good buddies with a few dozen eggs and wait until their close and hitem coming and going. Only thing hurt is their pride and a change of clothes.

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