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Saddest scene in a movie


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...lots of good ones already mentioned...the one scene that immediately came to mind for me was in Titanic when the mom in the "lower class" section takes her kids back to their room and puts them to bed for the night when she realizes they are not going to make it off the ship....tears just started streaming down first time I saw that scene.

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The scene in the movie Crash when the persian store owner shoots the little girl. Of course is turned out that it was a blank and she didn;t actually die, but before I knew that, it was a very sad scene

I think this may be one of the most moving scenes I have ever seen in a movie.

The inhumane conditions that Kunta Kinte (sp?) endured in Roots. That is about as sad as it gets.

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as a kid i saw some movie about an alien arriving in a small town in the middle of america. the alien came in peace and made friends with a kid. the townsfolk thought the alien wanted to take over and tried to kill it. the town ended up using the kid as bait to draw the alien out, as it came to them, they shot him. the alien couldn't comprehend what was happening but it had a smile on his face and was eager to see his friend. the alien dropped dead a few feet from the boy.

im thinking either Mac and Me or batteries not included

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One that I haven't seen mentioned yet is the end of Big Fish.

Can't say I agree with that. That's more a celebration of life rather than something to be sad about.

One recent movie that really tore me apart was the end of Pan's Labyrinth. I was in tears for a couple of minutes. For me, that's a real accomplishment.

Not a movie, but there is a scene in Fullmetal Alchemist where a major character gets killed off, and at the funeral, the reaction of the daughter of this character just rips your heart out.


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Brian's Song. Enough said.

Every scene in All Quiet on the Western Front was sad.

The ending to Braveheart where they are killing him and he yells out for freedom.

The scene in Platoon where Elias is throwing his hands up in the air as the choppers leave him for dead.

The scene in Million Dollar Baby where Clint has to pull the plug.

I'm sure I will think of more...

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Lonesome Dove:

Captain Augustus McCray(Robert Duvall), laying in bed,dying from blood poisoning and slowly fading away,looks up at longtime friend Capt. Woodrow Call(Tommy Lee Jones) and says:

"It's been one hell of a party,hasn't it Woodrow?" and then dies....

Million Dollar Baby was already mentioned.

And it may be corny to some, but I'll mention Mick dying in Rocky III.

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Several parts in "My Dog Skip" specifically when Skip gets old and can't jump up on the bed anymore. It was so sad to see him want to get up on his best friends bed but can't, and has to be lifted.

Here is the last scene with that incuded (tear jerker warning):

And it really hurts to see Skip pass on, I guess because I have a Jack Russel that looks identical to him. I only watched that movie once, and will never watch it again, not because it isn't good because it's a masterpiece, but it's just too sad at the end.

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Not a movie, but the last episode of NYPD Blue when Detective Simone played by Jimmy Smits is in his death bed, gripping.....

Movie, I have to go with....

Lonesome Dove:

Captain Augustus McCray(Robert Duvall), laying in bed,dying from blood poisoning and slowly fading away,looks up at longtime friend Capt. Woodrow Call(Tommy Lee Jones) and says:

"It's been one hell of a party,hasn't it Woodrow?" and then dies....

love the movvie....

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I have to agree that Brian's Song is the worst.

The Champ always got me ""Don't die Champ! Don't die Champ!"

(Check out this site I found when I checked to make sure I had the correct name http://movies.uk.msn.com/features/BoysDontCry2006_article.aspx )

My TV movie would be "Band of brothers"

“Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?” “No,” he replies tearfully, “but I served in a company of heroes”

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