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Rodney Harrison Suspended for 4 games


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Guest sith lord
seems as though if you admit to uising performance enhancers, you get less heat, ala jason giambi... but if you deny doing them, even though you clearly are, barry bonds, thats when the media bashes you

I'm still waiting on your answer to the welfare comment a while back. That's right, I haven't forgot.

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But you're missing the point. Whether you're breaking a record or not, steroids is a very big issue now. Pro wrestling is going to face congressional hearings later this month for heaven's sake and pro wrestling isn't even a real sport. Rodney Harrison is a named player on one of the marque franchises in the most popular sport. I just want to see some fairness in the way steroid scandals are covered.

Ah, you know what it is? The powers that be have decided to **** with you. They know you love Bonds and Pro Wrestling and have decided to mess with you.

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Harrison has openly admitted to using HGH over a short period of time in an attempt to return more quickly from injuries. He is being suspended for four games and will not appeal the suspension. He has been quite apologetic about it and that's probably part of why the league isn't coming down on him over it.

As for Harrison being a dirty player.... only in the skirt and pantyhose NFL of the 21st Century. He's one of the VERY FEW Patriots that I would ever have been willing to root for in Burgandy and Gold.

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Rodney Harrison is NOT a douche bag.

Bonds IS a douche bag.

Bonds declined ever taking anything to alter his ability in a positive way to play baseball.

Harrison ratted himself out about taking HGH to alter his ability in a positive way to play football.

Bonds was making a HUGE name for himself by getting closer to becoming the holder of the most prestigious record in all of sports.

Harrison is a football player that is not about to smash any kind of record right now. Especially nothing that is held at a high regard.

Sorry sith, I am not following your outrage.

At least we put an end to the 'Barry is getting picked on because he was black' issue.

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