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RIP Richard Jewell


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ATLANTA - Richard Jewell, the former security guard who was erroneously linked to the 1996 Olympic bombing, died Wednesday, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said.


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Jewell, 44, was found dead in his west Georgia home, GBI spokesman John Bankhead said.

Some people think that he was just in the right place, in the right time, others think he had a hand in it, still to this day. I think he is an American Hero... It's insane that 111 people were hurt but only one was killed. If 111 people who had cleared out of the way still got hurt, imagine how many would have been KILLED if it wasn't for his awareness...

RIP, I'm very happy that your name was cleared, by the media and authorities, before this day.

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Are there really people who still think he was involved. He was TOTALLY cleared of any involvement.

He saved lives, and for two short days was declared a hero. Then a cloud of suspicion was cast on him. Unfortunately, for his entire life that suspicion overshadowed his heroic deed, even though he was cleared. A real tragedy. RIP.

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Mostly what I remember about him was when, like a year later, the FBI officially announced that they weren't going to charge him with anything, . . .

Dan Rather used his nightly broadcast to chew out the FBI for "putting this man through this ordeal".

Wanted to reach through the TV set and slap the pompous ass silly.

Dan, what the FBI did was question a witness. They investigated some things.

The FBI didn't station 30 camera crews outside his apartment, so they could photograph him every time he set foot outside. The FBI didn't try to photograph him through the curtains of his home. The FBI didn't put his picture on nationwide TV every night for a week. When he left his house and got in his car, the FBI didn't have people jump in front of his car and block his path so that their partner could shove a camera against the window and yell at him.

You did.

(And I remembered making the statement at the time, that "If you give the FBI pieces of an exploded bomb, and parts of the bomb that didn't explode, video and photographs of the crime scene from before the bomb exploded; the name and address of a suspect; a search warrant for his home, his work, and his self-storage unit; in a high-profile case with unlimited manpower and budget: That if they can't convict the guy in 24 hours, then he ain't guilty.)

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I lived in Atlanta in 96... I was disgusted with how the media treated this guy. I don't fault the FBI for investigating him... there is syndrome associated with facilitating crimes and stepping in as the perceived hero. In his case, he was simply in the right place at the right time.

Eff Dan Rather... he got what he deserved with the fantasy National Guard memo fairy tale.

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