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You want all of the Skins games on DVD? I'm your man.


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I've dealt with a few people on here the last couple of years in getting Redskins games to the masses. I record my games straight to DVD from my DirecTV receiver and I manually edit out halftime and all of the commercials. All discs are recorded using flex mode, so that the entire disc space is used for the highest quality possible. Whether you're looking for single games or a full season, I'll work something out with you. I can ship games the next day via 1st class/priority mail. I have all of 2005 and 2006 (sans the MNF Dallas game) if you need them. Please send me an email, not a PM to wvredskinsfan@gmail.com if you'd like to work something out.

Take care all!

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^^ I might be interested in getting a few games from you. I have also traded with fellow ES'ers and have a ton of games, some from the 80s. I've recently moved and still have stuff in boxes but I have a list somwhere of the games I have. Maybe we can work something out

^ Do you have any games to trade for 80s era Skins games?

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I would really be interested in trading for some classic games if you have them. I have their first Dallas game from '91, the Super Bowls and the '82 NFC Championship Game. I also have a slew of Yearbooks and old Game of the Weeks. Send me a PM if you'd like to trade.

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