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Howard Stern is Offically Washed Up (Stern Fans)


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I love his show this week because it's all replays from the 90s

his show just isn't the same without Jackie, real talk, and is just waaaayyy too dirty. he was actually much better when he couldn't cuss or discuss various things in such unnecessary detail. Jackie's laugh during the show, including Jackie Puppet and Gary Puppet, just made the show so ****ing hilarious.

Jackie > depressed Ardy

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gary can't book any good guests these days so the show is kind of lame now. plus, howard constantly pimps his tv on demand show and changes the radio show around in order to make it more visual so he can get paid for extra tv subscribers. if you notice, the same ass-kissing callers are let through so the screener is a POS. eric the midget kicked arse, but he peaced out.

farrell is entertaining but he's gotta tone down on the speed metal in the background of the show. :2cents:

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I really liked to listen to him when he first got to satellite. The show seems to have slowed up recently with the same guests coming on. I always liked it better when there are no guests coming in.

Beetlejuice never gets old though. I loved when Artie first started getting into it with him. Classic!

I still like the show, and I did get satellite for Stern, but there's so much more to listen to now.

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