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It's Official - The New Jumbotron is coming next season...(rumor)


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If some of you have read my Jumbotron tirades in the past, you know I have a friend who runs it.

Well, the widescreen hi-def replacement will be installed for NEXT season. I got the word from my friend. It was debated for replacement this year, but they ran out of time.

Their you have it...the "official" rumor, but its better than the Clinton Portis trade rumor, it's correct.

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Thats pretty good. I may have watched the Super Bowl from nose bleed seats but I could see Devin Hester's pimples on this:



Dolphin Stadium have the largest HD Display in the world. Too bad they waisted this on the Dolphins. Hope we get one of these.

That piece of garbage stadium is much older than F-EX so Dan has NO excuse.

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The Dolphins display is bigger diagonally, but the Godzillatron has more square footage.


It's been a bad year for the Miami Dolphins: first they lost Heisman Trophy-winning running back Ricky Williams for the upcoming season, and soon their "biggest HD display in the world" may have to play second fiddle to a new scoreboard being installed this summer for the University of Texas Longhorns. At 7,370 square feet, the 134-foot by 55-foot 'board being built for the school by Daktronics (who also manufactured the Miami display) has a slightly larger screen area than the current 7000-sqaure-foot title-holder, but nitpickers may argue that since the UT model will be almost a foot shorter diagonally, that it doesn't qualify as the "world's biggest."
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I think Snyder needs to top this one:

If you just rushed out to buy that new 103-inch plasma TV and now brag that you have the biggest screen around, avert your eyes. A horseracing track in Tokyo has just installed the largest HDTV in the world, and it's a whopping 218 feet wide and 37 feet tall. To put it in terms that will put your $70,000 TV to shame clearly, that's a 2,654-inch screen (diagonal) to your measly 103 inches. And you call yourself a man? Mitsubishi delivered the behemoth in 35 pieces and assembled it on site, with the whole shebang taking up 8,000 square feet. That's more than eight times the size of my apartment; how depressing. If you're looking to upgrade from that 19-incher you've had since college, start investing now, as this thing cost a cool $28 million, which doesn't include the cost of building a living room big enough to fit it. — Adam Fruccigiant_display.jpg
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