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Larry King Poll: What religion do you associate with?


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I don't feel that I can "honestly" know anything(I know it seems to be a theme for me)about "if there is a god or an afterlife", so not being one who feels himself able to give in to "blind faith", it would make me an agnostic. To quote Jefferson, "I can not believe blindly, in a god, who would have me belive blindly".

The anger. When I think of the things that go on in the world, genocides to animal cruelty, it makes me doubt the existance of a god. How someone can kill or rape someone else, and feel redeamed, despite or even in regret, of what they've done, it makes me angry. People who can make selfish decisions, all week long, but turn to thier church, built on principles of man made guidelines, and feel they've done good, it makes me angry.

I think if we didn't have the church, and only had our conscience to rely on, for a moral compass, we might have a better world. Everyday, people do things that are wrong and evil, but can, in thier minds, hide from the eyes of god(yes I relize nobody can), by way of denial, but not from what they truely know to be right and wrong. The idea of god, dismisses the emphisis, of our own judgements.IMO.

There has been more done to control and destroy people, under the watch of or in the name of god, then for the good of mankind, simpily for the sake of goodness for all. And that makes me angry. How could a being as powerful as god, allow the world we live in to continue. If we we're made in his image, I would think him(or her), full of guilt and sorrow, and how could that idea be supreme.

Most of the reasons, i've found for creating and believing in a god, are made out of the arogence of man and used to control and justify our existance, then for the greater good.

Although, without the myth, we might still be without our technology or medicines, or any other thing that makes my life easy. That calms me down.

Besides, isn't christianity just a tinkered version of the old greek ideas, anyway.

Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard this one...I'd be rich.
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I don't feel that I can "honestly" know anything(I know it seems to be a theme for me)about "if there is a god or an afterlife", so not being one who feels himself able to give in to "blind faith", it would make me an agnostic. To quote Jefferson, "I can not believe blindly, in a god, who would have me belive blindly".

The anger. When I think of the things that go on in the world, genocides to animal cruelty, it makes me doubt the existance of a god. How someone can kill or rape someone else, and feel redeamed, despite or even in regret, of what they've done, it makes me angry. People who can make selfish decisions, all week long, but turn to thier church, built on principles of man made guidelines, and feel they've done good, it makes me angry.

I think if we didn't have the church, and only had our conscience to rely on, for a moral compass, we might have a better world. Everyday, people do things that are wrong and evil, but can, in thier minds, hide from the eyes of god(yes I relize nobody can), by way of denial, but not from what they truely know to be right and wrong. The idea of god, dismisses the emphisis, of our own judgements.IMO.

There has been more done to control and destroy people, under the watch of or in the name of god, then for the good of mankind, simpily for the sake of goodness for all. And that makes me angry. How could a being as powerful as god, allow the world we live in to continue. If we we're made in his image, I would think him(or her), full of guilt and sorrow, and how could that idea be supreme.

Most of the reasons, i've found for creating and believing in a god, are made out of the arogence of man and used to control and justify our existance, then for the greater good.

Although, without the myth, we might still be without our technology or medicines, or any other thing that makes my life easy. That calms me down.

Besides, isn't christianity just a tinkered version of the old greek ideas, anyway.

lol ok thanks...

and Christianity is a tinkered mix of all religions around the Med. It was said Peter adopted other cultures religions to make it more palatble to them. You see many similarities to Egyption mythology, Greek Mythology, Wicca...etc...

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lol ok thanks...

and Christianity is a tinkered mix of all religions around the Med. It was said Peter adopted other cultures religions to make it more palatble to them. You see many similarities to Egyption mythology, Greek Mythology, Wicca...etc...

Your welcome, about what you we're thinking I'de come up with?

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that sounds rough, what does "big dick" do to you when your bad? :ahhhhh:


I was going to ask about ceremonies in the "big dick" religion ... do you kneel or prostrate yourself before the "big dick" when praying?

IMO, the dude described in the old testament really was a big dick at times.

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