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Larry King Poll: What religion do you associate with?


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I feel that the poll points out that it is more than likely that 74% of Larry King Viewers who have internet and visit his page are atheist, not that the country is largely atheist. Just think about it this way, without that post I would have never known about this poll being held because I could care less about Larry King and his stupid show on its stupid "Communist News Network" channel otherwise known as CNN.

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I feel that the poll points out that it is more than likely that 74% of Larry King Viewers who have internet and visit his page are atheist, not that the country is largely atheist.

... because I could care less about Larry King and his stupid show on its stupid "Communist News Network" channel otherwise known as CNN.


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I feel that the poll points out that it is more than likely that 74% of Larry King Viewers who have internet and visit his page are atheist, not that the country is largely atheist. Just think about it this way, without that post I would have never known about this poll being held because I could care less about Larry King and his stupid show on its stupid "Communist News Network" channel otherwise known as CNN.

You don't know what communism is.

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Don't worry SF51 will be up all night stuffing the ballot box so that he can use that poll to 'prove' this is a Christian country tomorrow.

Actually, I didn't even know about it or vote. But I think you know how unreliable online voting is when people can vote over and over. It looks more like the Atheists are stuffing the boxes.

But for something more valid, consider this: http://icr.org/articles/view/3379/

Gallup Poll: Two Thirds of Americans Believe God Created Them

The political establishment has weighed in on it. The media has attempted to excoriate presidential candidates because of it. The academic community has tried to relegate it to the realm of unscientific mythology. The courts have ruled against it time and again. But the reality is that most Americans believe this simple yet profound statement:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

A recent USA Today/Gallup poll1 indicates that 66%—two thirds—of Americans believe that “God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.” In fact, twice as many stated this fact as “definitely true” compared to those who sided with evolution. (And almost twice the number of respondents declared evolution to be "definitely false"—28%—as those who said the same about creationism: 15%.)

Of course, you wouldn’t know of this grassroots support for creationism by looking at the textbooks used in science classes in public and private schools across America. Nor would it be obvious by listening to the majority of science teachers who instruct America’s children.

Evolution is a fact, they say. Science has proven it without doubt, they say. Creation is a religious myth, they declare. Even the courts side with the secular scientists who reject creation—and God—as fables unsuitable for serious scientific consideration or inclusion in their curricula.

Dr. Eugenie Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education, states that her organization’s mission is to “keep evolution in the science classroom and ‘scientific creationism’ out.”2 NCSE routinely rails against scientists and organizations that question the legitimacy of Darwinians' explanation for the origins of the universe.

Some would call this intolerant…or even unscientific. Consider the position statement of The National Science Teachers Association titled "The Freedom to Teach and the Freedom to Learn":

As professionals, teachers must be free to examine controversial issues openly in the classroom. The right to examine controversial issues is based on the democratic commitment to open inquiry and on the importance of decision-making involving opposing points of view and the free examination of ideas. The teacher is professionally obligated to maintain a spirit of free inquiry, open-mindedness and impartiality in the classroom. Informed diversity is a hallmark of democracy to be protected, defended, and valued.3

For Dr. Scott, and no doubt most of the nearly 1,000 signatories to her “Statement of Concern”4 over the recent opening of the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY, open inquiry cannot be tolerated when it comes to the teaching of origins. Yet true science can only take place when avenues of exploration are kept open, not slammed shut due to an arbitrary decision that certain theories must be "kept out" at all costs. In light of the recent poll results cited above, the majority of Americans believe some form of creationism. This would be a good time for the science education establishment to follow its own recommendations and actually take a crack at "opposing points of view and the free examination of ideas."


1 http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/2007-06-07-evolution-poll-results_N.htm?csp=34

2 http://www.natcenscied.org/

3 http://www.nsta.org/about/positions/freedom.aspx. See also the ICR News article "Science Teachers Violate NSTA Standards of Open Inquiry" by Patti Nason at http://www.icr.org/articles/view/3346//.

4 http://www.sciohost.org/states/

Now for all the "Well, the average American is too dumb to know better" or "What does Gallup know?" or "These types of polls really don't prove anything" posts. :laugh: It's funny how that's the case when stats like this come out, but not when the ones like Larry King's do. :rolleyes:

The bottom line is that something smells fishy in the Larry King poll, and it's obviously not really accurate.

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Now for all the "Well, the average American is too dumb to know better" or "What does Gallup know?" or "These types of polls really don't prove anything" posts. :laugh: It's funny how that's the case when stats like this come out, but not when the ones like Larry King's do. :rolleyes:

The bottom line is that something smells fishy in the Larry King poll, and it's obviously not really accurate.

Everyone here knows its not really a representative poll. Thanks for sharing your little "revelation" with us, though. :rolleyes:

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Actually, I didn't even know about it or vote. But I think you know how unreliable online voting is when people can vote over and over. It looks more like the Atheists are stuffing the boxes.

But for something more valid, consider this: http://icr.org/articles/view/3379/

Now for all the "Well, the average American is too dumb to know better" or "What does Gallup know?" or "These types of polls really don't prove anything" posts. :laugh: It's funny how that's the case when stats like this come out, but not when the ones like Larry King's do. :rolleyes:

The bottom line is that something smells fishy in the Larry King poll, and it's obviously not really accurate.

Quick SF51 how old is the Earth? Second the same poll shows that 53% believe that humans developed over millions of years.


(Question A; column total true, which is analogous to where you get your 66% in question B). Of course simple math tells me that I can't have 119% of people, which shows why this poll is flawed. I already posted polls this week in the "Do Laws and Standards Evolve? " thread that showed that:

1. In general belief between Creationism and Evolution is essentially evenly split w/ evolution having a slight advantage if anything when people are asked to chose directly between them.

2. That even just a couple of years ago Creationism had a statistically significant lead when they went head to head, but that over the last couple of years evolution has closed that gap and looks posed to take the lead.

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Here it is in a nutshell...

You have:

Type A person who believes that in order to be a Christian, you have to believe that Jesus was the literal son of God and accept him as their savior.

Type B person believes in the teachings of Jesus and either doesn't think its important that he's the literal son of God or that he wasn't literally the son of God, but the point is that they go to church and do good deeds, therefore, they are a Christian.

There are many more Type B people and that is why our nation has such a high percentage of "christians".

There are fewer Type A people and they don't consider Type B people as "christians".

If there was a national poll that asked, "Do you believe that Jesus was literally the son of God?", My bet is that the stats would be much lower than what is generally associated with the percentage of Christians in this country.

I think Larry King's poll reflects that the majority of his viewers are probably not christians.

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Catholicism is the only true religion. The Pope proved that.

yeah then he went back to his "palace" and counted the gold collected from the day, while he Hailed a picture of Hitler (oh wait he was forced into being one of the Hitler youth...sorry forgot ;) ) in his private chambers and whispered "Suckers"



Yeah..no distrust for the Vatican here ;)

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Honesty makes me an agnostic, anger makes me an athiest.
Explain please.

I don't feel that I can "honestly" know anything(I know it seems to be a theme for me)about "if there is a god or an afterlife", so not being one who feels himself able to give in to "blind faith", it would make me an agnostic. To quote Jefferson, "I can not believe blindly, in a god, who would have me belive blindly".

The anger. When I think of the things that go on in the world, genocides to animal cruelty, it makes me doubt the existance of a god. How someone can kill or rape someone else, and feel redeamed, despite or even in regret, of what they've done, it makes me angry. People who can make selfish decisions, all week long, but turn to thier church, built on principles of man made guidelines, and feel they've done good, it makes me angry.

I think if we didn't have the church, and only had our conscience to rely on, for a moral compass, we might have a better world. Everyday, people do things that are wrong and evil, but can, in thier minds, hide from the eyes of god(yes I relize nobody can), by way of denial, but not from what they truely know to be right and wrong. The idea of god, dismisses the emphisis, of our own judgements.IMO.

There has been more done to control and destroy people, under the watch of or in the name of god, then for the good of mankind, simpily for the sake of goodness for all. And that makes me angry. How could a being as powerful as god, allow the world we live in to continue. If we we're made in his image, I would think him(or her), full of guilt and sorrow, and how could that idea be supreme.

Most of the reasons, i've found for creating and believing in a god, are made out of the arogence of man and used to control and justify our existance, then for the greater good.

Although, without the myth, we might still be without our technology or medicines, or any other thing that makes my life easy. That calms me down.

Besides, isn't christianity just a tinkered version of the old greek ideas, anyway.

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