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Lost plates


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Hey guys, I got a Virginia driving law question.

The front license plate fell off of one of my cars the other day. It's gone. I've called in for replacement plates, but they won't arrive for four weeks. Is it legal for me to drive without a plate while I'm waiting? Or should I write my license plate info down and stick it on my front window or something?

Any cops out there who can tell me what's legal?


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When my roommate's New York license plate was stolen (Yeah, we're pretty sure it was stolen) at school, he called New York's DMV and they told him to display his plate information prominently.

I don't know about Virginia, but I would imagine it's similar.

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Just make certain they werent stolen. My brother had his plates stolen when we were home from college. 2 days later the cops were at my house questioning him about..........AN ARMED ROBBERY. :yikes:

That's something I hadn't considered. But only the front plate's gone.

And it was off our minivan. :)

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Here is the current VA State Code section covering your question:

§ 46.2-715. Display of license plates.

License plates assigned to a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, tractor truck, trailer, or semitrailer, or to persons licensed as motor vehicle dealers or transporters of unladen vehicles, shall be attached to the front and the rear of the vehicle. The license plate assigned to a motorcycle, trailer, or semitrailer shall be attached to the rear of the vehicle. The license plate assigned to a tractor truck shall be attached to the front of the vehicle. The license plates issued to licensed motor vehicle dealers and to persons licensed as transporters of unladen vehicles shall consist of one plate for each set issued and shall be attached to the rear of the vehicle to which it is assigned.

So, yes you must have a plate on the front and rear of the vehicle.

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AZ doesn't require a front plate either, I take my MD one off the front of my car when I'm out here cause it looks nicer.

I know when the MVA was taking so long to send my updated registration I could print something out online that was a temp thing to display in the back window...dunno how Va works or if it is similar between lost plates and outdated registration...

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