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Tailgating Generator

Grumpy Vet

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Good evening everyone.

We are considering adding a gasoline generator to our tailgating repertoire this year.

If you use one or know of a generator that is good quality and a good buy - we'd love to know.

I'm thinking somewhere around the 2K watt range. I don't think super quiet is crucial as it can be placed at the front of the Expedition while we tailgate at the back.

I've read good things about Cablea's....



Thanks for any input you might have.


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Good evening everyone.

We are considering adding a gasoline generator to our tailgating repertoire this year.

If you use one or know of a generator that is good quality and a good buy - we'd love to know.

I'm thinking somewhere around the 2K watt range. I don't think super quiet is crucial as it can be placed at the front of the Expedition while we tailgate at the back.

Make sure it is a very quiet one, Vet.

A group that tailgates next to us at E-43 has a generator and it is noisy as hell, and it bothers us while we are tailgating. They even have it on the other side of their truck from us and it is still loud.

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its true. Once at the tailgate i spilled my beer- i blame the noise. :D

Make sure it is a very quiet one, Vet.

A group that tailgates next to us at E-43 has a generator and it is noisy as hell, and it bothers us while we are tailgating. They even have it on the other side of their truck from us and it is still loud.

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Make sure it is a very quiet one, Vet.

A group that tailgates next to us at E-43 has a generator and it is noisy as hell, and it bothers us while we are tailgating. They even have it on the other side of their truck from us and it is still loud.

Point taken. Where we tailgate, I'd imagine it would not be as much of an impact on others as it might be on your crew.

We tailgate on a grass strip in the green lot. There are no cars in front of us or behind us. The closest car is across a travel lane in the parking lot. The cars to the side of us are all in our "group"....we all park the cars on the grass and then tailgate behind the car.

When tailgating is over - we pack up the stuff and a latecomer pulls in where we were tailgating - when game is over - we pull off the grass and right into a travel lane.

I'm guessing nearest non-group tailgater would be 30' or so away.....

Sure reasonably quiet so nobody is bothered makes sense...and we'll look for that.

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Point taken.

I'm guessing nearest non-group tailgater would be 30' or so away.....

Sure reasonably quiet so nobody is bothered makes sense...and we'll look for that.

The generator I was talking about is 50' away from us and it is still loud.

I hear the Honda generators are supposed to be quiet.

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Gas generators are noisy as Hell. Would an inverter do?

We've been using 2 of those for the past couple of years w/ mixed results. Using an inverter plugged into a cig lighter gets you about 150 Watts....You'd be surprised at how little 150 watts powers.

If you hook the inverters to the battery - we can pull 400 Watts & 600 Watts respectively. This isn't bad and runs a TV, crock pot and a warmer. The problem is that it sucks the battery dry. We damn near killed the battery last year.

Inverters are nice...but as our tailgate grows and we add more stuff and try new things - we have outgrown the inverter. We tried to bring an extra deep cycle battery and run the inverter off that....didn't make it the full tailgate and had problems w/ the battery taking a good charge after running it down.

So turn the SUV on.....yeah, well the emissions from the tailpipe are right where we tailgate and it seems to accumulate in the tent....quite unpleasant while eating or tailgating. Turn the SUV around. This makes it less easy to leave after the game, we lose our storage space and prep area in the back of the SUV, more difficult to load / unload....etc.

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Inverters are nice...but as our tailgate grows and we add more stuff and try new things - we have outgrown the inverter. We tried to bring an extra deep cycle battery and run the inverter off that....didn't make it the full tailgate and had problems w/ the battery taking a good charge after running it down.

We have an inverter for the TV/satellite/video game set up we have and we have 4 batteries that also gives us the power for a coffee maker and crock pot if we need it.

We never run out of power and that is running off the batteries for like 6 hours.

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You could try Pep Boys. The one up my way has a 1200 and a 3500 for sale right now. This link should take you to the store locater so you can see in store specials. Hope it helps.


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We have an inverter for the TV/satellite/video game set up we have and we have 4 batteries that also gives us the power for a coffee maker and crock pot if we need it.

We never run out of power and that is running off the batteries for like 6 hours.

These are 4 regular car batteries?

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You could try Pep Boys. The one up my way has a 1200 and a 3500 for sale right now. This link should take you to the store locater so you can see in store specials. Hope it helps.


I'll check. Thanks.

Sadly if my search stops there....I'll have to begin a new search for more money. $1K is more than we were hoping to spend. I do love the 59 dB noise level and the under 50# weight....


skinsfan44 - Where would you say your neighbor's generator sits on the scale?

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These are 4 regular car batteries?

I think 1 is a deep cycle and 3 are regular car batteries.

We rarely ever use the 4th battery and mainly use it as a backup.

skinsfan44 - Where would you say your neighbor's generator sits on the scale?

Probably around the 65 to 75 db range, maybe a little higher.

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A group that tailgates next to us at E-43 has a generator and it is noisy as hell, and it bothers us while we are tailgating. They even have it on the other side of their truck from us and it is still loud.

This just goes to show how people are different. I only missed two games last season, and TBH I didn't even know the group next to us had a generator.

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This just goes to show how people are different. I only missed two games last season, and TBH I didn't even know the group next to us had a generator.

They only use the generator at the post-game tailgates and only if it is dark out to power their lights.

Most likely you haven't noticed this because of all the Tequila you had drunk during the course of the entire day. :laugh:

Ask Rock (walkeman44) how he feels about their generator.

You won't get a positive responce.

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