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Baby Born With Brain Outside Of Skull

Big Weirdo

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How did they not catch that on any of the prenatal ultrasounds? (Yes, I'm sure they have those in Turkey)

I've heard of cases where the stomach or internal organs developed outside the body, but never the brain. That was brutal.

I'm not so sure they're doing any favors for that poor kid keeping it alive. How could you possibly fix that?

Incredibly sad for the family...

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Omg not clicking it's a virus :)

Seriously though, I want to click it, I really do, but judging from everyone's reaction I just can't!!

Just click *****...

I can't really talk ****. The brain baby was on the screen for all of .3 seconds before I closed the window. Again :puke: :puke: :puke:

If you sickos like **** like that then I recommend rotten.com. They got alien babies and everything on there.

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OK, that baby should not be alive, and I am amazed that they did not have an abortion to begin with. I can not see how that baby could ever function or live without 24 hour care, and that is not life to me. Maybe I am cruel, maybe I am harsh, but all the child is going to become is a freak for medical study, and it is not right. I would hope this child does not survive long, and dies peacefully. If I was the parent, I would put the child down, unfortunately sometime love means doing the right thing. Truly a tragic case indeed.

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From that website:

His parents have had trouble getting medical treatment due to a lack of local specialists.

I think that would be true anywhere. I don't know of any doctors that specialize in treating babies with brains outside their skulls.

One word...euthanasia.

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