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Anyone else horribly sick because of the temp change?


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It was in the 70's over the weekend and yesterday it snowed, the minute I stepped outside yesterday, I got a headache, fever, and aches. I went to one class and then came home, took some medicine and fell asleep from noon until 8PM, then I got up for about an hour and went back to sleep until now. When there is such a huge swing in the temp I ALWAYS get sick. I HATE THE WEATHER, I HATE THE COLD....

That is all...

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It got me. Of course, I left Washington in the 50's-60's, spent a week in Puerto Rico in the 80's and came back at 2:00 in the morning to the freezing temps. I also figured that just transitioning from the plane to the airport, the airport to the shuttle, and the shuttle to the house didn't justify bringing a coat. Sometimes machismo can make you a really cold person :)

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Im sorry you are not feeling well. But the temperature change had nothing to do with it. You are sick because of a virus, or bacterial infection. Rest, drink plenty of fluids (so you dont become dehydrated) and have some chicken noodle soup.



Myth: Cold, wet weather causes colds and flu.

Reality: Colds are really upper respiratory infections and can result from more than 200 different viruses. These include the rhinoviruses, the group most often associated with the common cold, which primarily affects the nose and throat. According to Robert Bradsher, M.D., director of UAMS’ division of infectious diseases, cold weather usually makes people stay indoors, which might increase the person-to-person transmission of respiratory viruses. “These viruses, including influenza, are very infectious and are transmitted from one person to the next by touching something that has had the respiratory virus on it and then touching your eye or nose or mouth. Some believe that the lower humidity during the winter allows these viruses to persist longer in the environment. Washing your hands or using an alcohol-based hand washing solution is a good way to avoid getting a cold.”

Actually I was talking about the sudden 45 degree drop in such a short period of time that either a) Directly made me sick or b)made my immune system take a vacation...

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i bet its been colder in denver over the past month :silly::silly:

Which is why I don't live in Denver... I would love to live in a place that it is 95 degrees EVERY day.... I don't care if there are tornadoes every day or what but that would be the perfect spot for me...

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Here is another reason:

If your ears are popping or you have a headache, it's no wonder -- it's been a wild pressure ride this week in the Northeast. Here in State College in Central PA, we have gone from 29.80" to almost 30.80" and back again in just a few days. Pressure readings above 30.60" are rare in the continental U.S, as are swings of an inch in a few days.


Graph From The AccuWeather Weather Station

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