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Children of Men...Wow. (Merged--wow)


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so what's exciting to you? Bad Boyz 3?

There is no Bad Boys 3 . . .

It just seemed like, "Hey! Let's run around with the black pregnant girl!!! Run over here! No, wait, they're not our friends!! Run over there! No they want to use the kid for their own goals too!! Run away, run away!!! Watch Michael Cain listen to god-awful metal and get high. The End."

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I saw this last night.

And I have to agree with the people who think it was boring.

I mean seriously. Did you watch the film? It was slow paced and the scenes didn't really gel together all that well. Character development wasn't that great. I don't know...

The trailer I saw many months ago to me suggested that the movie was a lot more...well...interesting.

There were some decent art moments, but other than that, the movie was bland.

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Crist, it wasn't war and peace ya idjit putzes (I mean rince). Its of the basic sociological/sci-fi genre but with better acting, casting, screenplay and production values compared to the norm. A cousin to V for Vendetta and not as goood, but done on a much smaller budget and scale, too.

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Seriously - cinematography aside, I don't see how this was an overly intelligent film. Seemed pretty basic to me.


I know I said it was slow before, but now that I think about it, the movie plotwise moved so fast, it barely allowed much time for character development.

Why should I care about the main character's ex-girlfriend? We barely new anything about her. Pretty lame. Hell, we barely knew much about the main actor. We just knew what he was doing, and thats about it. The screenplay just wasn't written well...

But, as I mentioned before, it was shot beautifully in parts. It just seemed this movie had too much cut out of it. It could have been about 2 hours and 10 or 20 minutes easily.

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Crist, it wasn't war and peace ya idjit putzes (I mean rince). Its of the basic sociological/sci-fi genre but with better acting, casting, screenplay and production values compared to the norm.

I can agree with that - but some people here were making it out to be War and Peace - I'm just saying it isn't. I thought the screenplay was okay - but I may be jaded as I just read 'The Game Player of Titan', so some of the plotlines were very similar.

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knowledge316--Gotta agree with you........didn't think the movie was as great as many here believed it to be.
What do you know? You can't even make threads.
I actually thought a lot of it was boring....but thats just me. Actually, a lot of people at the theater felt the same way.
Well, which is it? Just you or "a lot of people"? And how would you know anyway, Chezwick. Did you take an exit poll or just read their minds with your vast mental powers? :rolleyes:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

j/k---I'm just messin' with ya dude :silly::cheers:

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but I may be jaded as I just read 'The Game Player of Titan', so some of the plotlines were very similar.

Oh yeh, I can see how that jewel stretched your cerebellum. Gearin' up for the big run at Harry Potter vs Predator?

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