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It's that time of year again........NSFW


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Yes, page 3...hmmm. Funny our newspapers are. Britain is a very reserved place yet you can open up a newspaper and on the third page find yourself staring at a pair of knockers.

Best is when they board up a closed down business in London and use The Sun. There was a boarded up indian restaurant near where I live...it said "Hallal Meat" and underneath was a blonde with the most humungous melons. Should've used the Times. :applause:

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In Amsterdam and Rotterdam you can walk down the street and see dildos, butt plugs, ball gags, and assorted other sex toys in the store front windows. Kind of catches you off guard at first. Not to mention that if you walk into certain bars you will be quickly propositioned for a 'date'. :)

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In Italy newsagent booths sell hardcore porn..and I mean HARD. LOL. Me being a young strapping lad in the army, I used to be a regular contributor to my local newsagent. But the best bit is the little old lady in the booth would always help me choose which one I wanted by flipping the pages for me. Quite surreal having a 70 year lady turning porn pages and saying "..do you like this one?" :D

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I miss Europe. All the magazine stores don't hide all the magazines like they do here in the States. You would probably have some person suing someone in the US if they had page 3 like they did in England. Europe in terms of sex is def more progressive than the thinking in the US.

I used to love page 3 and Keeley Hazell is amazing. Go to www.break.com to see more pics of her.

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