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A Pittman4Two Gem ... Power Rankings


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A couple years back I had put together the Pittman4Two Theory, unfortunately it never came to fruition.

When you mentioned LeRoy Selmon, it reminded me of Doug Williams and the theory I came up with.

Basically the theory was to have a corral of six QB's and effectively rotate them throughout the gameday. The six QB's were: Jason Garrett, Doug Williams, Rob Johnson, Brad Johnson, Brian Griese, and Chris Simms.

When I heard Doug Williams was signed by the Bucs, I jumped the gun and figured the Bayou Cannon was suiting up for one more run at glory. That's when the "Theory" materialized. The bad news was that Williams was signed on as a Team Manager and not as a QB. Therefore, the theory was then shot to hell.

I know this all has nothing to do with LeRoy but I thought I'd share it anyway.

Holy ****!! My head hurts after reading this! Wow, just wow. Amazing stuff, and im talking about the stuff you must be huffing.

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Pittman4Two is one of THE great football minds. A couple of years ago I followed his astute advice and wagered a signifacant sum of cash on his prediction. Thanks to him I am driving a fully paid off SUV I bought with my winnings. So all you HTTR's should just reconsider.

Here's to you Pittman4Two or as I like to call him King of All Prognosticators!! :cheers:

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Wanna post what they said? I doubt many of us are members there.

I actually just signed up there as 89Smokedyatwice...and I feel a little sick looking at their ****y colors...I think I'm gonna throw up...:puke:

Actually I just wanted to sign up so I could harass them before the Cowboys game...


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17. The Washington Redskins - Some may say this is a little low for a Gibbs coached squad, however let's remember that the Skins had around 200 yards of offense combined in the last month of the season. That won't get it done in the NFL League. The loss of Arrington leaves a huge void in the backfield.

:doh: Say no more.


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Get a friggin' life...this guy's a joke and I love it. It's people like him who make me feel like I've actually retained valuable social skills and timing/punctuality in humor. Pittman4Two Gem...thank you for making my day, and for the insightful rubbish that you somehow turn into pure comic genius. In fact you rival the likes of the late great Richard Prior and modern comics such as Eddie Murphy and Jerry Seinfeld.

Thanks Again Pal...oh and one more thing...brush up on that irony bit, that's my only constructive critique. Keep the dream alive man! :cheers:


Heres my gift to you...I highlighted the good stuff:

Ode' to a First Round Playoff Win

Take this kiss upon the brow!

And, in parting from you now,

Thus much let me avow--

You are not wrong, who deem

That my days have been a dream;

Yet if hope has flown away

In a night, or in a day,

In a vision, or in none,

Is it therefore the less gone?

All that we see or seem

Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar

Of a surf-tormented shore,

And I hold within my hand

Grains of the golden sand--

How few! yet how they creep

Through my fingers to the deep,

While I weep--while I weep!

O God! can I not grasp

Them with a tighter clasp?

O God! can I not save

One from the pitiless wave?

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

Edgar Allen Poe...see he even dreamed big like you Pittman4Two :bucsuck:

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Pittman4Two, I don't know how much you pay those insider guys to help you formulate your formula but its too much if its not enough! I think you showed some of them other guys doing rankings why there not as good as you can be when they are wrong!

Of course, I have to depart company from being with you on the Redskins at #17!! I guess the formulators didn't keep your ideas in the incubators long enough to hatch alive! On that one.

The Skins now have the most crowded backfield ever put in the back of the line, and plus if you are even going to talk accurate recievers there are now more of them added also. So I think a re-do for the one thing that got by you and your crew is more than you owe considering how much on the money most of your stuff still is again!

See you when you get it right!

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Jumbo, I'll take it under advisement. You're a higher-up with the ES (Extreme Skins) Message Board...almost with Om...so when you udder your words, it's up to me to listen and listen well.

The Redskins may well be moved up the board the next time you see them.

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You know Pittman that during the summertime that it wouldn't be so hot, if not for the high temperatures. Also, when it rains real hard, it's only wet because of the water falling from the sky. I, like you, have fun stating the obvious, but you already know that since you can 'read' most of our minds in an almost clairvoyant manner. Your choice mis-spelling displays a gift that few folks realize is just another method to your madness. You are amusing in a funny way. :cheers:

P.S. The 'Skins are much better than a 17th ranking :doh:

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13. The Atlanta Falcons - I'm still amazed at the legend that is Michael Wayne Vick. Ever since his days at WVU and that Sugar Bowl victory against FSU, I've been a fan. I look forward to see how he performs with a better offensive line (OL) and the youth of Warrick Dunn.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


i need to go jump in the dishwasher. :puke:

I was wondering how long it would take for the WVU people to speak up. Guess you were all crying at the memory of losing to FSU. :laugh:

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