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N. Korea threatens U.S. with 'nuclear war'


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Let them have their missiles. Who are we to decide which countries have nuclear weapons and which do not? We're the only country in history that was crazy enough to use nuclear weapons on innocent people; why are we allowed to have them?

Who's going to tell us we arent allowed?

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Every time I read an article anout Korea and nukes, there's a little voice that speaks to me. (He often does that.)

Normaly, in the course of international excahnge, over the years, protocols and proceedures arise. These proceedures rapidly gain acceptance to the point where they become complete rituals, where the slightest deviation becomes an international incident.

(For example, I understand that every single state visitor to the White House has been received at one of the "side" doors, (I think the West). This tradition, I understand, arose due to the simple fact that no one has ever officially decided which side of the White House is the front, and no one wants a foreign dignitary to be able to say that he was forced to use the back door.)

Over the years, the nations of the world have rather quickly developed a standardised, internalionally-recognized proceedure whereby a nation announces it's membership in the List of Nuclear Nations.

They set one off.

This announcement is simple, cheap, rapidly dissiminated, and as I pointed out, internationally recognised.

It is irrefutable. After setting one off, no one will stand in the Cabinet room in the White House and say "Mr. President, I think they're bluffing."

(It also has the advantage of being concealable. If you pull the string and nothing happens, nobody knows.)

So, I have to admit: As long as NK hasn't set one off, then every time the subject comes up, I'm going to wonder why they haven't set one off.

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Let them have their missiles. Who are we to decide which countries have nuclear weapons and which do not? We're the only country in history that was crazy enough to use nuclear weapons on innocent people; why are we allowed to have them?

Is anyone else here surprised that this post is from someone that lives in Waco? If you want to debate the Atomic bomb, start your own thread, or perhaps open up a history book. Your statement here is not pertinent. It's not JUST that NK says they have nukes, but in case you missed it, they directly threatened us with them.

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Let them have their missiles. Who are we to decide which countries have nuclear weapons and which do not? We're the only country in history that was crazy enough to use nuclear weapons on innocent people; why are we allowed to have them?

Oh my:doh: , you sure you live in the U.S.?

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Let them have their missiles. Who are we to decide which countries have nuclear weapons and which do not? We're the only country in history that was crazy enough to use nuclear weapons on innocent people; why are we allowed to have them?

I've heard Canada has some exceptional real estate. Maybe you should check it out.

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Originally Posted by Lone Star Skin Fan

Let them have their missiles. Who are we to decide which countries have nuclear weapons and which do not? We're the only country in history that was crazy enough to use nuclear weapons on innocent people; why are we allowed to have them?

Oh my:doh: , you sure you live in the U.S.?

Well, I am sure I do and atleast he is giving warning. Did we?

There is nothing like a 65 year-old lunatic (Kim Jong-il) willing to die for his country.

He's no more of a lunatic than the complete idiot we have as a president right now who has ignored our own constitution and the United Nations. What if we didn't live in the US and ignored the United Nations and just invaded another country because 13 idiots did what they did and most of them were from Saudia Arabia? We would look like Germany and Bush would look like Hitler.

NK nuking us would be like a toy poodle biting a grizzly bear and drawing some blood. promply after the toy poodle would be shredded.

That's pretty funny if it's only your blood that would be shed

Is anyone else here surprised that this post is from someone that lives in Waco? If you want to debate the Atomic bomb, start your own thread, or perhaps open up a history book. Your statement here is not pertinent. It's not JUST that NK says they have nukes, but in case you missed it, they directly threatened us with them.

Who started threatening who first?

This is what stikes me about some americans. Some people are so quick to justify war against another country because their leaders mistreat their people. This country was built on slave labor and continues to do so with minimium wage and became the most profitable nation in the world because of it. I would have been rich a long time ago if I could have got free labor for any business I decided to open up.

This is what really baffles me about other americans. Some are so quick to point out so called "terrorists". I hate to inform some of you but americians have killed more innocent people in war than all other wars combined. So who is really the terrorists? You can put whatever defenition on terrorism you want but it all boils down to using a "killing force" to accomplish an objective. Just like smaller countries can't defend themselves from the US's superior weapons. Nobdy can defend suicide bombers either and guess what these people ARE willing to die for what they believe in, are americans? This country has extorted every cent from it's own people with credit and have no choice but to convince people around the world of the need of a global economy and a so called democratic government that can be controlled by the US ofcourse(with money) so the rich in this country can continue to profit.

Not that I believe this will materalize into anything but it is just a matter of time before it does. The bottom line is we have screwed ourselves with the love of money and there are countries who can't wait to see us demolished. There is noway that the US can police the world forever. Other countries will not stand for it especially North Korea who we helped divide from the south to begin with and they can't wait to get even.

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Its really too bad that Jack Bauer is stuck in China right now. We could really use him during a crisis like this. :laugh:
Dude I missed season 5 and have been watching the repeat of it on friday nights. You just ruined the ending, thanks.
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Originally Posted by Lone Star Skin Fan

Let them have their missiles. Who are we to decide which countries have nuclear weapons and which do not? We're the only country in history that was crazy enough to use nuclear weapons on innocent people; why are we allowed to have them?

Well, I am sure I do and atleast he is giving warning. Did we?

He's no more of a lunatic than the complete idiot we have as a president right now who has ignored our own constitution and the United Nations. What if we didn't live in the US and ignored the United Nations and just invaded another country because 13 idiots did what they did and most of them were from Saudia Arabia? We would look like Germany and Bush would look like Hitler.

That's pretty funny if it's only your blood that would be shed

Who started threatening who first?

This is what stikes me about some americans. Some people are so quick to justify war against another country because their leaders mistreat their people. This country was built on slave labor and continues to do so with minimium wage and became the most profitable nation in the world because of it. I would have been rich a long time ago if I could have got free labor for any business I decided to open up.

This is what really baffles me about other americans. Some are so quick to point out so called "terrorists". I hate to inform some of you but americians have killed more innocent people in war than all other wars combined. So who is really the terrorists? You can put whatever defenition on terrorism you want but it all boils down to using a "killing force" to accomplish an objective. Just like smaller countries can't defend themselves from the US's superior weapons. Nobdy can defend suicide bombers either and guess what these people ARE willing to die for what they believe in, are americans? This country has extorted every cent from it's own people with credit and have no choice but to convince people around the world of the need of a global economy and a so called democratic government that can be controlled by the US ofcourse(with money) so the rich in this country can continue to profit.

Not that I believe this will materalize into anything but it is just a matter of time before it does. The bottom line is we have screwed ourselves with the love of money and there are countries who can't wait to see us demolished. There is noway that the US can police the world forever. Other countries will not stand for it especially North Korea who we helped divide from the south to begin with and they can't wait to get even.

You also should research property in canada. you ****ing commie

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Well, I am sure I do and atleast he is giving warning. Did we?

You lose all credibility with that statement. :doh: Did we give warning? No, we just bombed Japan for no reason and never warned them. Ever. :doh: But thankfully, the Japanese were nice enough to give all of those American men and women a warning before they massacred them at Pearl Harbor, right? Let's not forget why we joined the war.


Japanese Solemnly Warned

What happened at Hiroshima is not yet known. The War Department said it "as yet was unable to make an accurate report" because "an impenetrable cloud of dust and smoke" masked the target area from reconnaissance planes. The Secretary of War will release the story "as soon as accurate details of the results of the bombing become available."

But in a statement vividly describing the results of the first test of the atomic bomb in New Mexico, the War-Department told how an immense steel tower had been "vaporized" by the tremendous explosion, how a 40,000-foot cloud rushed into the sky, and two observers were knocked down at a point 10,000 yards away. And President Truman solemnly warned:

"It was to spare the Japanese people from utter destruction that the ultimatum of July 26, was issued at Potsdam. Their leaders promptly rejected that ultimatum. If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air the like of which has never been seen on this earth."

Secondly, speaking of education, re-read your sentence where you are suggesting someone else improve their intellect.

Third, do you even remember the Korean war? Talk about talking out of your ASS. If you're going to make all these anti-american statements, that's your right, but at least give us all the common courtesy of providing fact, and not mere speculation and generalities.

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Is anyone else here surprised that this post is from someone that lives in Waco? If you want to debate the Atomic bomb, start your own thread, or perhaps open up a history book. Your statement here is not pertinent. It's not JUST that NK says they have nukes, but in case you missed it, they directly threatened us with them.

Hermagg, 1) Your "Waco" reference wouldn't be referring to the time when the FBI deliberately murdered men, women, and children back in 1993 at Mt. Carmel, would it?Which, I might add, is NOT IN WACO.

2) "open a history book"----------Well, I have a Bachelor's degree in guess what? History! Do you?

3) OMG! They verbally threatened us! That hasn't happened before, has it? Maybe you should "open a history book" and do some research!

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Is anyone else here surprised that this post is from someone that lives in Waco? If you want to debate the Atomic bomb, start your own thread, or perhaps open up a history book. Your statement here is not pertinent. It's not JUST that NK says they have nukes, but in case you missed it, they directly threatened us with them.

Hermagg, 1) Your "Waco" reference wouldn't be referring to the time when the FBI deliberately murdered men, women, and children back in 1993 at Mt. Carmel, would it?Which, I might add, is NOT IN WACO.

2) "open a history book"----------Well, I have a Bachelor's degree in guess what? History! Do you?

3) OMG! They verbally threatened us! That hasn't happened before, has it? Maybe you should "open a history book" and do some research!

Sorry, mods..........Double post

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Is anyone else here surprised that this post is from someone that lives in Waco? If you want to debate the Atomic bomb, start your own thread, or perhaps open up a history book. Your statement here is not pertinent. It's not JUST that NK says they have nukes, but in case you missed it, they directly threatened us with them.

Hermagg, 1) Your "Waco" reference wouldn't be referring to the time when the FBI deliberately murdered men, women, and children back in 1993 at Mt. Carmel, would it?Which, I might add, is NOT IN WACO.

2) "open a history book"----------Well, I have a Bachelor's degree in guess what? History! Do you?

3) OMG! They verbally threatened us! That hasn't happened before, has it? Maybe you should "open a history book" and do some research!

First off, the Waco reference was a cheapshot, and I take it back. My apologies, as it is totally irrelevant to this debate.

Secondly, I'm glad you have a bachelor's in history. But, it doesn't take a Bachelor's degree in history to have learned, studied, or researched anything related to the subject. Having one doesn't mean that you remember everything about everything. But, I'm glad you have your degree.

Third, it's that attitude that has fueled countries like NK and Iran to voice their disrespectful comments knowing there will be no reprisal. Iranian and North Korean citizens probably believe their leaders when they make statements that they have the power to destroy the U.S. And there is nothing more dangerous than a country with a madman at the helm with delusions of grandeur........Except, of course, one in which the populace of the country believes it to be true and gives said leader their full support.

Also, wikipedia is very useful when researching specific topics. I found this page that details briefly how we have gotten to where we are today with North Korea. It takes 10-15 minutes to read, but if you skim, I found it enlightening.


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You lose all credibility with that statement. :doh: Did we give warning? No, we just bombed Japan for no reason and never warned them. Ever. :doh: But thankfully, the Japanese were nice enough to give all of those American men and women a warning before they massacred them at Pearl Harbor, right? Let's not forget why we joined the war.


Japanese Solemnly Warned

What happened at Hiroshima is not yet known. The War Department said it "as yet was unable to make an accurate report" because "an impenetrable cloud of dust and smoke" masked the target area from reconnaissance planes. The Secretary of War will release the story "as soon as accurate details of the results of the bombing become available."

But in a statement vividly describing the results of the first test of the atomic bomb in New Mexico, the War-Department told how an immense steel tower had been "vaporized" by the tremendous explosion, how a 40,000-foot cloud rushed into the sky, and two observers were knocked down at a point 10,000 yards away. And President Truman solemnly warned:

"It was to spare the Japanese people from utter destruction that the ultimatum of July 26, was issued at Potsdam. Their leaders promptly rejected that ultimatum. If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air the like of which has never been seen on this earth."

Secondly, speaking of education, re-read your sentence where you are suggesting someone else improve their intellect.

Third, do you even remember the Korean war? Talk about talking out of your ASS. If you're going to make all these anti-american statements, that's your right, but at least give us all the common courtesy of providing fact, and not mere speculation and generalities.

Listen, am I glad of the outcome of WWII of course, but WWII was about alot of different things and not just Hitler. I know all about Pearl Harbor also but I don't believe a strategic naval attack killing 2,000 plus people mostly millitary in a time of world war is even comparable to a attack on a millitary base in Hiroshima that killed 60,00 plus including who knows how many civillians. It did end the war but was it really worth it? That's like saying meet me outside and were going to fight and you agree and I hit you and you shoot me with a damn bazooka and kill me along with 20 other people. Yea you won the fight but at what cost?

I'm not sure what your talking about the Korean War. We were trying to prevent the Soviets from spreading communism to the south and the north is never going to froget it.

I'm not trying to make ant-american statements. I probably could have used better language but my whole point to my thread is democracy is not the perfect government either, especially when it can be bought and only benfits the rich just like the rest of them. It's just like any other form of government. Idealy they should all work and we all should live happily ever after but we don't and never will. What I am saying is our government is trying to spread democracy like it's going to solve all thier problems and it's not. We are relatively a new country and because we have had a little over a couple hundred years of success dosen't mean squat when other countries have 10 times the history we do. We are trying to take over the world by pushing a global economy and hiding behind democracy when deep down we all know how corrupt it can be and in my opinion the reason we are spreading so called democracy by means of war is because were at a stage where it's beginning to fail and other countries are not going to stand for it.

My original remark to your quote was out of the lack of the sensetivity to the remark you made to the previous poster who had a point and was not a literal statement.

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this probowler guy loves to take shots at people for not being edumacted, but he sure doesnt set the example.

how on earth can someone go through college and not be able to realize that democracy is the only way the poor have a voice? Sure the rich are always gonna be in controll, but atleast when people have a vote the poor have a choice.

probowler do you really believe when you take the vote away, you take the rich influence out?

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this probowler guy loves to take shots at people for not being edumacted, but he sure doesnt set the example.

how on earth can someone go through college and not be able to realize that democracy is the only way the poor have a voice? Sure the rich are always gonna be in controll, but atleast when people have a vote the poor have a choice.

probowler do you really believe when you take the vote away, you take the rich influence out?

Who do you think the 2 choices we have represent? It's not even a question if you vote republican. They don't get political contributions from the poor. When one of these 2 electives get nominated their not making policy for the poor either. So what does a vote really mean?

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how on earth can someone go through college and not be able to realize that democracy is the only way the poor have a voice? Sure the rich are always gonna be in controll, but atleast when people have a vote the poor have a choice.

Democracy is simply majority rule, without a basic liberal foundation it's meaningless.

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We need to disarm N.Korea right now.

Screw their military capabilities; they'll sell these weapons on the black market to other dangerous factions/nations. (Which they probably already have anyway)

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