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Senators Waive Budget Provisions for Immigration Bill


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What the **** is the point of having a "balanced budget" provision if you can waive it willy nily with 60 votes?

Here is the law:

The proposal includes a new Senate point of order that would prohibit consideration of legislation that would increase mandatory spending by $5 billion or more in any of the four 10-year periods from 2015 through 2055. The point of order could be waived only with 60 votes.

A Senator brought up the point that the proposed immigration legislation is going to bust the budget if enacted. The Senate needed 60 votes to waive the provision, they got 67 votes.

Anyone who doesn't think Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a fool. Let's just keep everything the way it is... illegals stay illegal. Since we don't have the will to deport them all, I'd rather not see lawbreakers get protected...

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