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I want a duck shaped like a triangle, you give a toaster to Bob

The Evil Genius

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So, any other misheard lyrics out there you want to peruse?


Actually, http://www.kissthisguy.com is the main site.

I always wondered what feminine products was doing in an Manfred Mann's Earth Band song (Blinded by the light). :silly:

Oh, in case your are wondering, this thread title refers to a misheard NIN lyric from "Closer".

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So, any other misheard lyrics out there you want to peruse?


Actually, http://www.kissthisguy.com is the main site.

I always wondered what feminine products was doing in an Manfred Mann's Earth Band song (Blinded by the light). :silly:

Oh, in case your are wondering, the title refers to a misheard NIN lyric from "Closer".

How dare you say that is a Manfred Mann song. :mad:

Oh yeah - when i was young i thought it was "I'm a poolhall ace" instead of "how my poor heart breaks."

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Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs has an entire section on this. Very funny book.

My most pervasive error personally is that when I was growing up, my parents attended a Presbyterian church, and we sang the Doxology every week.

I misunderstood "Praise Him all creatures here below..." as "Praise Him, all creatures hear me, lo!" (I suppose I had an overdeveloped and Shakespearian sense of drama as a child).

I guess it's not particularly funny, but it took me probably 20 years to figure out my mistake, and I still try to sing it "my" way if I'm not paying attention.

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Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs has an entire section on this. Very funny book.

My most pervasive error personally is that when I was growing up, my parents attended a Presbyterian church, and we sang the Doxology every week.

I misunderstood "Praise Him all creatures here below..." as "Praise Him, all creatures hear me, lo!" (I suppose I had an overdeveloped and Shakespearian sense of drama as a child).

I guess it's not particularly funny, but it took me probably 20 years to figure out my mistake, and I still try to sing it "my" way if I'm not paying attention.

When he was little my uncle misheard "Gladly the cross I'd bear" as "Gladly the cross-eyed bear." He once told my grandmother that his favorite part of church was the song about the bear, and it took them a long time to figure out what he meant.

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:laugh: :laugh: At my wedding reception while getting ready to cut the cake, Robert Palmers Addicted to love was playing and my best friend was standing right behind me singing "you might as well face it, you're a dick head in love" :laugh: :laugh:

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