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It's not the Government's fault that...


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We all have tremendous lists describing where the government has let us down by acting, not acting, or acting ineffeciently, but what part of our troubles are on us? What is the Government not responsible for?

I'll start. Despite the fact that this government believes in legislating personal morality, the behavior of our children (both good and bad) is on us as parents and as a community, but not the responsibility of the government.

The Redskins' bringing Joe Gibbs back and him leading us back to the playoffs is not Bush's fault. He bares no responsibility for this at all.

Obesity in America is the fault of Americans and not the government's fault, despite their need to revise the food pyramid.

Your turn. What else is wrong that is not the government's fault.

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Abortion. :yikes:

Abortion is not a partisan issue. There is no reason to vote based on your abortion stance. Abortion is not the Government's fault.

Republicans are supposedly the anti-abortion party. They dominate every branch of Government and abortion is still legal. Basically they gain a lot of votes based exclusively on this issue and produce nothing in exchange.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is pro-abortion (except Mr. Garrison). Legal or not, for some reason, people are still gonna do it. The best way to reduce it is to make it legal so that people come forward with their pregnancy and then at least you have a chance to talk them out of it, give people good adoption alternatives, and to help people gain access to the dreaded birth control.

ps sorry in advance for ruining the thread.

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As you eluded to, the death of personal responsibility. Politicians take advantage of it but it starts at home.

Suing people for every damn little thing. Speaks to a larger sense of oppurtunism present in our society today. People just don't give a **** about anyone but themselves, this is also related to the personal responsibility.

Political Correctness/infringement on freedom of speech. I understand, given the history of this country and the treatment of minorities, why people are concerned with how people talk about others. However, it's gone way too far. Freedom of speech brings with it the certainty of offending some. Freedom of speech and freedom from being offended are two polar opposites and I fear our country is begining to lean towards the latter. Anyone who disagrees with the majority lately is brushed off as a fringe crazy or labled as insensitive or worse. The media's view of the world, the view it presents is far too narrow for fear of offending the majority.

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Abortion. :yikes:

Abortion is not a partisan issue. There is no reason to vote based on your abortion stance. Abortion is not the Government's fault.

Republicans are supposedly the anti-abortion party. They dominate every branch of Government and abortion is still legal. Basically they gain a lot of votes based exclusively on this issue and produce nothing in exchange.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is pro-abortion (except Mr. Garrison). Legal or not, for some reason, people are still gonna do it. The best way to reduce it is to make it legal so that people come forward with their pregnancy and then at least you have a chance to talk them out of it, give people good adoption alternatives, and to help people gain access to the dreaded birth control.

ps sorry in advance for ruining the thread.

Very good points. Statements like these always remind me of one of my favorite quotes (since it's a favorite, you'd think I'd know who said it, but I can't remember :doh: ). It goes something like "You can get the people to vote against their economic interests by appealing to their base moral values."

I know I've posted that quote before but I think it's especially relevant these days and this post reminded me of it.

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We all have tremendous lists describing where the government has let us down by acting, not acting, or acting ineffeciently, but what part of our troubles are on us? What is the Government not responsible for?

I'll start. Despite the fact that this government believes in legislating personal morality, the behavior of our children (both good and bad) is on us as parents and as a community, but not the responsibility of the government.

The Redskins' bringing Joe Gibbs back and him leading us back to the playoffs is not Bush's fault. He bares no responsibility for this at all.

Obesity in America is the fault of Americans and not the government's fault, despite their need to revise the food pyramid.

Your turn. What else is wrong that is not the government's fault.

Our present government is not our government's fault... errr... :)

I mean, nothing is our government's fault, really, if you dig deep enough. Our government is whatever government we deserve.

It's like markerting... We (the people) make it work. It takes whatever shape is "good enough" for it to work...

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"Yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way. . . The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomlished." - Henry David Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"

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Am I the only one confused by this?

You're confused by number 2. You credit the Federal Government for Joe Gibbs coming back to the Redskins? The Government bares no responsibility for the success or failure of the Redskins football team.

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