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Original Star Wars not in 16:9!!!

Guest sith lord

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Guest sith lord
Wait a minute... are you trying to say that Lucas is milking us for all we're worth?

That's crazy talk.


I thought he was before, but I don't think we've seen nothing yet. Off the top of my head, we still have the 30th Anniversary editions, The Prequel Special Editions, The entire saga in theaters in 3-D and the entire saga on DVD in HD and Blu-Ray.

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I suppose I'd care more about the guy's blog if I knew what "anamorphic" meant.

Is that kind-of like the second terminator?

Anamorphic generally means that it will fit onto your widescreen t.v. without losing part of the picture.

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Guest sith lord
I suppose I'd care more about the guy's blog if I knew what "anamorphic" meant.

Is that kind-of like the second terminator?

It pretty much the same as "letter box." You know, those black boxes that take up the top and bottom of your screen.

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Anamorphic does not mean the same as letterbox.

The original films will be on DVD in their Widescreen 16:9 version.

Anamorphic means the DVD won't be enhanced for 16:9 widescreen TVs. Previously, studios have used anamorphic enhancement to take up the whole 16:9 TV viewing area. This means the resolution won't be all that great when watching on a 16:9 TV, especially a big screen that most people have now.

This thread title is mis-leading, as it implies Lucas will only be releasing the films in 4:3 aspect ratio.

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It pretty much the same as "letter box." You know, those black boxes that take up the top and bottom of your screen.

But it seems, if I read that, the guy's complaint is that it'll be in letterbox, but not "anamorphic".

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With today's technology, there's no excuse for the original versions not to be in 16:9 format. We're being milked big time by LucasFilm because you know they're gonna come up with something special next year to celebrate it's 30 year anniversary.

If you keep buying basically the same thing over and over again, then you deserve it. Something like a fool and his money are soon parted. With that said...Lucas is a dick, if he thought of something new to sell he wouldn't have to keep doing that. One hit wonder I guess.

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Guest sith lord
Anamorphic does not mean the same as letterbox.

The original films will be on DVD in their Widescreen 16:9 version.

Anamorphic means the DVD won't be enhanced for 16:9 widescreen TVs. Previously, studios have used anamorphic enhancement to take up the whole 16:9 TV viewing area. This means the resolution won't be all that great when watching on a 16:9 TV, especially a big screen that most people have now.

This thread title is mis-leading, as it implies Lucas will only be releasing the films in 4:3 aspect ratio.

You're right.

Anamorphic widescreen: cinematography and photography technique for capturing a widescreen picture on standard 35 mm film.

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Guest sith lord
If you keep buying basically the same thing over and over again, then you deserve it. Something like a fool and his money are soon parted. With that said...Lucas is a dick, if he thought of something new to sell he wouldn't have to keep doing that. One hit wonder I guess.

If I were Lucas, I would do the exact samething and you would too. Fans, like myself, can't really complain because we allow Lucas to do what he's doing. But we are being milked.

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Wait, so Lucas is gonna release the untouched theatrical versions of the originals? Is that what I'm understanding?

Yes, but since it won't be released in an anamorphic video master, you won't be able to take advantage of a progressive scan widescreen TV. If you view it on one, it'll still have grey bars on the sides as well as the top & bottom in order to view it in the proper aspect ratio.

Lucas... what a prick.

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If I were Lucas, I would do the exact samething and you would too. Fans, like myself, can't really complain because we allow Lucas to do what he's doing. But we are being milked.

The buck stops here for me, literally. I won't buy any non-anamorphic film, even if it's the original, unadultered Star Wars without the "Episode IV" in the crawl and everything.

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Well aint Lucas a ****. He swore up and down he would never release the originals because they didn't represent his vision of the movies when they first came out. Just wait till the tv series comes out and he alters the shows before he puts them on dvd. Nerds everywhere will go broke trying to keep up.

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It is amazing to me how some people call Lucas a "dick" and other terms of endearment because he is a saavy businessman, who created one of the most lucrative franchises in the entertainment industry. Exactly has does this make the guy a dick???

At least he has made a product that many people find entertaining and are willing to purchase. He doesn't force anyone to buy any of his merchandise. He upgrades his products (films) about once every 10-15 years like most other industries. If you don't like the original product, then don't buy it; if you are happy with it and don't need the upgrade than don't. I don't see many people complain about getting milked for their X-BOX 360 or the soon to be released PS3. Essentially, we are talking about the same thing here.

Plus, being on this board, people should look at how much Redskins fans have been milked by some of the over-priced, under-performing rosters we've had over the past decade. That is a place to look for "dicks" that have been milking us!!!

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That really is unnacceptable, but I'm going to deal with it. If I can see the widescreen version of the original theatrical Star Wars on dvd, even if it is letterbox only, I'll get it.

I don't even have a widescreen TV so it doesn't matter to me.

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George Lucas*waving his hand around*: You will buy whatever Star Wars product I put out there

The Public: We will buy whatever Star Wars product you put out there.

GL: It is my vision that Han Solo shot first

Public: Han Solo shot first

GL: The new Star Wars release will not support wide screen tv's and you will accept that

Public: You're a dick

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Once you get one, you'll change your tune in 30 seconds... ;)

I said it's unacceptable. It just doesn't affect me yet. However, when I get a widescreen TV, I still think I can watch Star Wars, as long as it's the original movies as released in '77, '80, & '83, in widescreen, without getting too mad. Even if there's twice as much black space as there is image. I could be wrong.

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