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Stupid Radio Rumor (from San Diego): Spencer Havner Back-up at SSLB...


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Just right now I was listening to the MightyXX (Mighty "Double X"), formerly "Mighty 1090AM" out of San Diego. During their afternoon drive show they feature William "Philly Billy" Werndl's "Wire" where he reports news from around the MLB, NBA, and NFL.

He reported as fact that Spencer Havner is going to backup Marcus Washington at Strong Side LB.

I'm sure they reported this because Havner is somewhat local being from UCLA, but I think it's quite premature to be passing this along as news. The team has only gone through 1 rookie mini-camp!

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In post-mini-camp interviews, Gregg Williams said that they had Havner "pencilled in" at back up strong side LB, which is probably where the radio guy got the info. GW said that Havner could be put in on either side, versatility-wise. He didn't say he would be the ONLY SS LB, or even that Havner would make the team. He was just talking about which plays they asked Havner to learn.

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I invite William "Philly Billy" Werndl (what the hell kinda name is that anyway) to view GWs interview from Saturday where he said that anyone penciling in starters or depth charts was "embarassing themselves."

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where would they get something like that?
In post-mini-camp interviews, Gregg Williams said that they had Havner "pencilled in" at back up strong side LB, which is probably where the radio guy got the info. GW said that Havner could be put in on either side, versatility-wise. He didn't say he would be the ONLY SS LB, or even that Havner would make the team. He was just talking about which plays they asked Havner to learn.

Guys take it easy, he was probably just interpreting what he heard in the interview.

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Guys take it easy, he was probably just interpreting what he heard in the interview.

That's exactly what he did. Problem is GW was asked which LB spot Havner would be tried at and GW said they would put him at SLB for now. There was no mention of Havner being named the primary SLB back up.

The problem I and many on here have is that the responsibility shown by some reporters, and talk show hosts, is at best careless. To name someone a backup 2,500 miles away is a ridiculous statement and just another case of to many airwaves, to many A-Holes, and to much time until the season. It would have been a different story if the guy would have said UCLA's Havner to try out at SLB for Redskins, that's the accurate story.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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This just in...

William "Philly Billy" Werndl's "Wire" is now reporting that Rocky is scheduled to be inducted into the pro football hall of fame in a ceremony scheduled for July 27th, 2021. The ceremony will occur at the half time of a game between the Los Angeles Immigrants and the Denver Broncos scheduled for 12:30 EST.

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What's funny is that recent roster cuts make this stupid little rumor more feasible than yesterday. Since I listen to the radio out here, I would tend to cut "Philly Billy" a break. He seems to get most of his "Wire" from Internet Sites and message boards. The radio station is the San Diego Chargers flagship... they are huge football fans and typcially have John Lynch (Safety) in for analysis plus interviews with Chargers during the morning drive... as well as having like 2 hours for Drew Brees when he went to New Orleans.

The point of my initial post was kind've a feeler for "Did you guys hear anything about this in Washington?" and it seems the response was that in interviews Williams indicated Havner would be competing for the SSLB position. That's exactly what I was looking for and why I labeled the post "Stupid Rumor" instead of "Rumor".

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