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How long untill T.O. Torpedos the Cowgirls


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Simple question...How long untill T.O. distroys the Cowpukes' locker room? He did it in S.F., practically did it in Baltimore without even playing there, and did it in Phily. I have no doubt that it is only a matter of time before he does it in Dallas. I don't know about anyone else, but I was PRAYING over the offseason that we wouldn't take him. (I know Gibbs is way to smart to go after a cancer like TO) Now I know Owens is one of, if not the best in the game...on the field. But with all of his off the field baggage, I feel we're MUCH better off with Moss, ARE, Lloyd, Patton, etc.

So how long do give T.O. to become a Skins allie by taking down the Cowboys?

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